Chapter Nine: Charades

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"Rose?" I whispered, tears welled up in my eyes as I beheld my best friend sitting in a chair, staring back at me as a look of shock spread across her face.

Nobody moved.

I could feel Nick beside me and I could see the man who told me Rose would die beside her, but neither of them matter as of this moment.

She was alive. I knew she was, she had to be. Otherwise I would have felt it.

She blinked, as if she was unsure if I was really here. A small smile tugged at my lips before I let my tears flow. I couldn't stop myself. It was either cry or choke on tears, I opted for the easiest thing.

Apparently crying was a good way to feel better. I don't know which idiot said that, but I didn't care.

Rose was alive and as long as I was here, I wasn't going to let anyone hurt her.

"Ah, I see you've brought the human," the man in the suit announced, clasping his hands together. A sly smile sat on his lips as he moved towards us. Suddenly fear engulfed me and my hand forced itself to wrap around Nick's. I don't know what possessed it to do something like that considering he was untrustworthy.

But I did and I couldn't help it. He made me feel safe but letting him go would be hard, but it had to be done.

I slowly pulled my hand away from his and inched further into the room, closer to Rose and the man.

"Zoe, her name's Zoe," Nick muttered quietly. I furrowed my brows at his words and then ignore them.

"I want her back," I said pointing to Rose, "now."

The man threw his head back with laughter, his eyes watered slightly. "That was a good one."

I raised my brows, "I'm being serious, I want her back now and if you don't give her to me, I'll just have to take her."

A proud grin broke out on Rose's face as she stared at me in awe.

"I'm a vampire, sweetheart," he smiled sweetly, his eyes were dark and I noticed a hint of lust in his voice. Lust for blood perhaps.

"And? You're not immortal," I snorted unattractively, I didn't care about if Nick heard me or not, probably did considering his super hearing though.

"What's so important about this one girl that you'd risk your own life to save her?" He asked curiously, a smirk playing at his lips.

I took a step forward, "Because I'm not a heartless asshole like you and I actually give a damn about people because to me; one life is equivalent to a million."

He chuckled, clapping at me. "Bravo, great performance Zo-Zo, but this is over."

I raised a brow, carefully eyeing the man. What was that supposed to mean?

Then he did it. I don't think any of us expected it to happen, least of all me. In a second, the man had grabbed a knife from his desk and plunged it into Rose's stomach.

She groaned out in pain, her hands clutching the bloody knife. She attempted to pull it out but she couldn't.

I ignored the tears rushing down my cheeks and ran to her side. She cursed and cursed but her eyes were still wide open as she stared at me.

"I'm going pull it out and it's going hurt, just hold on," I muttered, unsure what I was doing myself.

I wrapped my hand around the knife and pulled it from her bleeding stomach. I ignored my tears and hurriedly ripped my shirt and forced it onto her wound.

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