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( not mine )

Ready for Freddy

Mike had arrived at Freddy's, much more earlier than even he had expected. But, he could not care less. The only thing he could care about though, was the job that he was soon to receive. If he could say so, he would say that he was actually looking forward to this new job. He was actually looking forward to something in his life.

Mike stepped out of his car, pushing it closed with such force. He crossed the streets, without looking to see if any cars came by. To his luck, no cars hit him. It wasn't as if he'd care if they did.

Mike pushed open the double glass doors, letting himself inside. The inside of the place was like an oven compared to the reality of the weather outside. Mike said nothing of that and instead walked up to the nearest person he could see.

  "You must be Mike, correct?" His soon to be boss stated unpleasantly as he let his hand out for Mike to shake. The manager had been holding some form of clothing in his other hand. His Mike read his name tag thoroughly, over and over. Scott Cawthon. He didn't know why he did so. The name simply seemed familiar somehow. Mike nodded in reply, wanting to seem respectful but at the same time not loud.

"Well, Michael," Scott began, clearing his throat. "I have your uniform in hand. Which you will soon put on." Scott Cawthon handed Mike the clothes he had in hand, Mike seemed to notice the name tag that went with it. It read, Mike Schmidt, in the same exact font that his manager had on his own. Mike found the feeling satisfying, knowing that he now had a job of his own to work at. Mike was simply hopeful that he wouldn't have a partner, he wished to work alone. It wouldn't be much o a surprise if he didn't.

"Is there something else I should know?" Mike asked as he stood uncomfortably, having the need to sit down really badly. Scott then began to speak, by that time Mike had already zoned out. Mike didn't hear what his manager had to say, instead his eyes wandered off over to a girl.

  A brown-eyed brunette whom held a broom in her hand, Mike didn't know what to think of this girl. She seemed around Mike's age, maybe he was a year or two older. Besides that Mike didn't really have a bad first impression of her.

  Mike wasn't really sure whether Scott had noticed the fact that he'd been staring at Gracie, but nevertheless he said this, "If there's anything else you'd like to know, you can always direct to Gracie—She'd be happy to help as a co-manager or simply an employee." Scott said this with guilt in his eyes. In a way that said he hadn't meant it. But, Mike truthfully didn't care.

  Scott pointed at Gracie, the brunette looked up from the spot she'd been sweeping poorly. Mike could immediately tell that she didn't want to do this. But, like always she couldn't stop, could she? After all she had been doing a mediocre job, but, she still got paid. So, why quit?

Mike continued to eye the girl, she made Mike feel a strange aura but it was nothing too odd, nothing that Mike hadn't felt before. Mike caught notice of a ring on her finger that rapidly caught his attention. Mike had to admit that the ring itself was flawless, but he said nothing of it.

"Sure thing," Mike quickly responded, with his clothing in hand. Gracie kept her glance up at Mike who walked past her and through the halls into the bathroom to change. Gracie continued to sweep, so very close to falling asleep.

As Mike walked away, Scott spoke, "Gracie, you'll be staying here to assist Mike. No questions asked." Scott said while a smile crept upon his face, it was a mischievous smile. Gracie hated him for it.

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