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Talking To A Ghost

  Mike rubbed his eyes, muttering unintelligible curses under his breath as to why his mind was acting this way. But, Mike wasn't willing to drive feeling so uneasy. He wasn't willing to drive even if he hadn't felt this way anyway.

His vision blurred a bit, but not enough for him to faint or fall.

  Mike shut his eyes, opening them slowly and calmly; secretly hoping to himself that his vision would be fine now and that he wouldn't black out. He opened his eyes quickly, he was met by the silhouette of a girl. Otherwise known as the young ghost, Faith. Mike was startled, stepping a few inches away from her. The chills entered his body, the ones he got when there was a ghost in his presence.


  Mike said.

  Faith let out a smile, she applauded at Mike. "Congratulations, Mike! You know my name!" She cheered, Mike couldn't resist letting out a small chuckle at the child.

  It was silent for a millisecond.

  But, children were balls of energy who always had the temptation to break whatever silence there was. "Mikey, how are you? How was the night shift with Jeremy? Did you like it? Did you have fun?" The questions only came out quicker and quicker. Mike stopped her there. He proceeded to answer the strangely specific questions.

  "My day was okay."

  "That was it? It wasn't fun?"

  Mike shrugged, he figured that that was specific enough for a child. He thought it was enough for her to understand. But, she really didn't know why. Though, she didn't question it. Mike, on the other hand, decided to ask the questions.

  "What about you? Why are you here?"

  Faith laughed, she clutched her black silhouette of a dress and giggled. Unable to speak as there was something she found utterly hilarious. "You're so clueless." Mike was rather speechless. Faith knew more than he thought. But, the man just couldn't understand.

  The jingle of the door bell as it opened was music to Mike's ears. But, the anxiety quickly shifted in.

  "Mike?" There it was.

  "Who are you talking to?" Mike turned around, being met with Jeremy and his concerned eyebrows. Mike desperately stepped back.

  "Nobody." The first words that flew out of his mouth. Nobody. Mike chuckled in slight fear, somewhat resembling Faith's laugh only a few moments ago.

  "Why—" Mike cleared his throat. "Why are you here, Jeremy?" Mike tugged on the collar of his shirt, a lump developing in his throat. Jeremy forced a smile, Mike forcing himself to smile back.

  "I forgot my sweater."

Mike awkwardly stood as he nodded slowly, chills entering his spine and making his nerves shake. Jeremy remained still, waiting for Mike to speak or say something. But, he didn't. So, while all this has been happening, Faith had been there. Mike only ignoring her as she giggled quietly. But, the awkwardness increased and Faith now interrupted in giggled and laughter. Mike clenching his fists and it got to him.

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