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( not mine )

Something Strange

Night Two

The following night, Mike was expected to arrive on time. That meant that the bar was set high at 11:30 PM. Which was the time that Gracie had began waiting for Mike. She began getting impatient, already getting bored of being isolated with her thoughts. Truthfully, Gracie never liked being alone. Yet, she said she did.

  "11:50," a distressed Gracie muttered the time to herself as a very anxious Mike Schmidt pushed through the double doors. Mike had a pissed off look plastered on his face, but surely there'd been no reason for him to be or feel this way. Gracie played with her plastic ring, pulling it on and off her finger repeatedly.

  "You're late," Gracie whispered. She wasn't positive that Mike had heard her voice.

  "What was that? It was hard to hear, considering your voice is as low as your life," Mike laughed to himself. He definitely meant it as a joke, maybe not for Gracie though. Gracie wasn't sure what he meant by that strange remark but he most likely didn't mean anything good by it.

  "Shut the hell up Mike." Gracie pulled Mile roughly by his upper right arm. "Let's go."

  "Damn. We don't have to head inside the cramped office, do we now?" Mike said, forcing Gracie's hand off his arm. Mike crossed his arms angrily sighing. Gracie sighed as well. She despised her employees when they asked questions, especially ones similar to Mike's. But, they usually never stopped asking questions. Which really bothered Gracie because they'd find out soon enough.

"I'm only explaining this once and that's final, okay?" Gracie held Mike by the shoulder now, this time Mike didn't push her off. Mike nodded quietly in response. Gracie couldn't resist a sly smile then and there. But, oh could Mike restrain one.

"The only reason we are trapped inside a stuffy, small office for six hours is because if the animatronics even catch a simple glimpse of you pat twelve then it's possible that you can die," Gracie tightened her grip on Mike's shoulder. Mike adjusting to this change quickly. The explanation did help unravel a few questions that Mike had in mind, but there were still more to come.

"Why would they want to do that to us? I mean they're fucking animatronics," Mike suddenly acted all defensive now. Gracie figured that it was simply his way of pretending that he wasn't scared by the thought of animatronics on a killing spree.

  "Stop cursing." Gracie had began walking through the dark and frightening halls in hope of Mike following her from behind. Surely enough he had been.

  "What time is it?" Gracie questioned Mike, whom then checked the time on a clock on the wall. It was exactly twelve and Gracie wasn't so sure about that. She began walking into the office faster now, she knew what awaited. And Mike, oh, was he in for a scary surprise.

  Gracie quickly adjusted herself to sit in a plastic foldable chair for six hours straight. Of course she'd have to stay near the doors for the entire time, but it was worth it.


  It had been 12:10. Which meant that ten minutes had flown by pretty easily. There wasn't much to do. Mainly because Gracie was there to do the work for me.

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