Long Flights & First Meetings

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This series is for Miss stefanie_brito She requested an Australia/Meeting the family story which meant I got to explore the area and that. It also means that my writing got out of control and there's going to be more than one part to this story. I hope you love it!

"You ready for this?" Peta asked Maks as they settled into their seats for their 23 hours flight to Australia.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He said as he tried to shake the nerves from his body.

"It'll be good, I promise." She smiled happily. She squeezed his hand in hers as she began to get herself situated. Maks looked at her and even though his nerves were at an all time high, he couldn't help but love the happiness that was flowing off his girl. He closed his eyes and thought about how they got there. They were sitting on the porch swing the one night when Peta had brought it up.

"I want to take you home." She said out of the blue. He looked at her confused not really understanding what she was saying.

"Babe, we are home." He responded.

"No no, not this home, goofball. I mean Australia home." She said as she kept herself tucked into him.

"Oh." He said softly as his head began to spin.

"Is it something you'd consider?" She said softly.

"Well yeah, we've just never talked about it before." He answered, running his hand up and down her back as he felt her get nervous too.

"It's just we're getting more serious. I mean we have been and I just want you to see where I've grown up. Meet my brother and my dad." She spit out quickly.

"I get that. Your dad would make me nervous though. Like beyond nervous." He admitted.

"My dad is a big teddy bear." She said smiling softly thinking about her father. It had been over a year since she had saw him which sucked ridiculously.

"To you maybe, not to the man who is in love with his daughter and who broke her heart once." Maks said laughing lightly.

"He'll love you."

"I think we'll see about that." Maks teased her.

"Wait does that mean we can do it?" She said sitting up and looking at him.

"We can do it." He said smiling at her excitement.

"Oh my god, I love you." She said as she shot herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

"I love you too. It looks like we've got planning to do." He said chuckling.

And that's how Maks ended up in the predicament that he was currently in right now. Not that he wasn't excited to see the place where she had grown up and get to enjoy that with her, he'd just be glad once the meeting of her father was over. And her brother. He had talked to him a few times but meeting him in person was going to be another story. Plus he figured if he was there he might as well do things the right way and ask her dad for her hand in marriage which was a whole other bucket of worms.

"You okay?" Peta said quietly shaking him from his thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking." He said leaning over to kiss her.

"You've been doing that alot lately." She said looking at him concerned.

"Just nervous that's all." He said smiling weakly.

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