Wrapping It Up

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And without further ado, the final installment of Come Home With Me. Thank you to miss stefanie_brito for requesting this whole idea. Without your request we would not have had this story. And for that and for your support and friendship I'm forever grateful. Thank you lady! I hope you enjoy this last piece.

Maks woke up the next morning and looked over to see his fiance laying there in quiet contemplation. He shifted over and rested his head on her pillow and pressed his lips to her shoulder.

"Hey." She said realizing he was awake. She remained where she was though and continued watching the ceiling.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He said as he slipped his arm around her middle and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Everything." She said softly moving her one hand to link with his. He made her feel safe. Not that she wasn't safe right then but there was so much spinning in her head that she just needed to find some grounding.

"How long have you been awake pretty girl?" He asked softly as his thumb ran back and forth across her hand.

"For awhile."

"You could have woke me up."

"I know, I just, you looked so peaceful and that helped somehow. I knew that even if I was scared, you at least looked peaceful so I knew that you were okay. And that helped. Because well..."

"Well, I'm glad that helped but you still could have woken me up. We would have figured it out. Do you want to talk about it now?"

"It's all silly Maks."

"I'll bet it's not. Talk to me babe." Maks said sliding up some and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm just scared. And I don't know why." She said as she shifted her body a little bit and pressed into him some.

"Of?" He pressed gently.

"All of it. I don't know. We've been so good for so long, what if it all falls apart again? And we lose this, this happiness and the excitement?"

"I'm not going anywhere Peta Jane."

"I know but we didn't intend to go anywhere last time." She said as her eyes finally met his and he could see the tears in them.

"Hey, I know we didn't then but we were also young and naive at that point. I was selfish and not willing to compromise and we weren't in the same places in life. It's different now. I hate how we fell apart before but at the same time, I think we needed it so much to get to here. I know it's scary and right now with us being over here we're kind of in this bubble but I wouldn't have gave you that ring if I didn't intend to stay with you for forever." He said.

"I know, and I trust that in you. I do, I know especially with our past, you would never promise something to me without it being as solid as possible."

"Okay, so how do I make you feel better pretty girl?"

"I don't know. Just talking about it helps. And knowing that you listen. Even if my fears are silly."

"Never silly sweetheart. And you know that no matter what I'll be here to listen to you. Always."

"I know and I love you for that." She said as she turned and pressed completely into his chest. His arms wrapped around her and held her tight.

"I do believe that we have something we need to go buy today." He said after they had laid there for awhile.

"We do, that one scares me too." She said as she pulled back and tipped so that she was looking up at him.

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