Stealing Cinderella

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For Miss bruna_steinberg I hope you love this.

And for Miss stefanie_brito Thank you for requesting this story to begin with. I love writing it!

Sunday morning came quick, bright,  and early. Peta had forgotten about Sunday brunch before they went to bed the night before so she hadn't set an alarm nor had she told Maks to set one.  Anytime she was home, the whole family got together for brunch on Sunday's. There had been times when she visited that not everyone had a bunch of free time so they had set up this tradition to make sure they all got some time together. Barry and Suzanne were in the kitchen preparing everything when they realized they hadn't heard any noise from Peta's room.

"Hey, did you remind P about brunch?" Barry asked Suzanne.

"Umm, no I didn't think I had too. She's usually up by now." Suzanne said as she was cutting things up for omelets.

"We don't usually go to an amusement park and completely wear her out the day before either." He said chuckling.

"This is true. We'll give them a little more and then I can go up and wake them. We still have an hour yet before Sam and Lana get here."

"Alrighty." They went back to prepping everything trying to see if they could hear the two upstairs. After another 15 minutes they hadn't heard anything.

"I'll go up." Suzanne said getting ready to dry her hands.

"It's okay. I'll go up." Barry said as he headed out of the room.

"Barry. Be Nice!" Suzanne yelled. Not that she was worried he'd do anything but that was his baby.

Barry headed up to the second floor and went down to Peta's room. The door was closed as usual so he knocked before he cracked it open to peer in.

Maks had woken up a little bit ago with Peta still tucked into his body. He smiled and kissed her head before rolling to his back. She seamlessly moved with him and buried her face into his chest as her soft sleeping breaths puffed on him. He stretched gently before wrapping his arm around her and playing with her hair. He had always loved the content look on her face while she slept. She wasn't a worrier for the most part but when she slept there was just this serene calm to her that he loved to be able to see and know he was a part of that calm.

This was the scene that Barry walked in on. Maks jumped when he walked in and went to move but Barry stopped him.

"Stay there. She looks happy." Barry said taking in the look on his daughters face for a moment. It was different than usual. It was calm and safe and happy. She had always been a happy kid but this had a different feeling to it. He knew that any lingering reservations about Maks just went out the window seeing this moment. Maks shifted slightly which pulled him out of the moment.

"Sorry. I just. She looks. Never mind. I was coming to wake you guys up because we're having Sunday brunch today with everyone. We do it every time she's back but with yesterday being so busy she must have forgot. You guys have like an hour though so you don't have to wake her up yet. I just wanted to make sure one of you knew."

"Thank you. I'll give her a few more minutes and then wake her."

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit." Barry said before heading back out and pulling the door shut. Maks pressed kiss to Peta's head as he felt her began to stir.

"No." She murmured burying into him.

"I'm afraid it has to be yes. Because someone forgot about Sunday brunch."

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