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Right as we got to my house Mack pulled me to my room and locked the door.
"Okay go shower so I can do your makeup and hair" she told me
I groaned and grabbed a towel heading to the shower. I quickly washed my hair and got out, I dried off putting on my bra, underwear, a t shirt and spandex.
"Okay I'll shower while your hair drys"
For 15 minutes I sat at my desk on my laptop playing stupid random games on it.

"Let's start. Sit"
She started putting makeup on my face and it felt odd because I usually never wear makeup. After 20 minutes she was done and did her hair and make up. Then started on mine.
"I'm gonna make you look hot" she told me.
"You saying I'm ugly?"
"No I'm saying I'm gonna make Wesley wish he never cheated on you and make Tuck wish you guys were married" she told me
"Whatever" I shook my head.

After an hour she was done, I looked in the mirror and my makeup was natural and my hair was curled and in a waterfall braid. There was a small diamond clip at the end of the braid.
"Now we have to hurry, we've got 10 minutes to get changed"
Mack had a smokey eye look and red lipstick with her hair straight. She was wearing a long pink dress and silver heels.
My dress was a strapless black long dress with the top bedazzled.
"You have to wear the heels Jackie" She told me.
"I don't wear heels" I told her
"Do it for me please" she begged
"Fine" I grabbed the gold sparkly heels.

The doorbell rang and Mack went to go answer it while I put on the heels.
"Jackie hurry up!" She yelled
I sighed looking in the mirror, I definitely didn't look like myself.
I opened my door and headed down stairs,before I could Zachary came running towards me. I picked him up and balanced him on my hip.
"You look like a princess sissy" he told me.
"Is that good?" I chuckled
He nodded and I put him down, he ran down the stairs and I followed. Mack was holding hands with Ethan and they were talking to Tucker, who had his back turned to me.

Zach pushed Tucker out of the way of the stairs. Ethan saw me first and his eyes went wide, then Tucker turned around to face me. He was in a black suit with a gold tie to match my dress and his hair was in a quiff.
"Woah" he said and looked at me. I smiled and when I got to the bottom he hugged me.
"You look hot" he whispered in my ear making me blush.
"Shall we head out?" Mack asked
"Use Protection!" Alex yelled after Us Making me blush.
"Don't worry Alex I got that under control, I'm prepared" Tucker yelled back.
I looked at him with wide eyes, he looked at me and winked. Mack and Ethan took her car.
Tucker opened the car door for me,
"Thank you" I told him
He ran over to the drivers side and when Mack and Ethan drive off I quickly changed my shoes into white converse.
"There's my girl" Tucker said pecking my lips.
"I don't like heels" I smiled and we headed off.

"We have an hour till we have to be there wanna go get some food?" He asked
"Sure" I smiled
He pulled up to a little cafe, it was cute.
"Hope you don't mind, it's my grandmas cafe and she said if I ever get a girlfriend I have to bring her here" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I don't mind it looks cute" I said and pecked his cheek. He let out a breath and we got out, as we walked in he held my hand. When we walked in there was only one other person there,
"Ah Tucker dear" a lady said hugging Tucker.
"Hi grandma" he smiled
"Who do we have here" she wiggled her eyebrows at him. I chuckled,
"Grandma this is Jackie my girlfriend" he said

"So you're the famous Jackie I hear so much about, Tucker talks about you all the time" she whispered the last part.
"Does he now" I smirked
"Oh all the time, how beautiful you are, how great of a softball player you are how much he loves you"
"Okay grandma I think that's enough" he blushed
"Okay well sit down I'll get you two something to eat" she said and we took a seat.
"I like her" I told him
"She's embarrassing" he said blushing again.

"Awe it's cute when you blush" I said pinching his cheeks.
"Hey I'm a man, I'm not cute" he defended.
"Fine you're hot" I pecked his cheek
"I know" he winked
His grandma came back with menus.


"Hope to see you again" Tucker's grandma said as we walked out. We got in his car and headed to homecoming.

We pulled up and Tucker opened the door for me and hooked his arm with me as we walked in.
I could feel people starring at me, we found our 'group' as we call it and stood with them.
"Woah, hot mama, you look hot. Ow" James said
"Who knew you could clean up that good James" I replied
"I tried mama" he winked
"James quit flirting with my woman" Tucker said putting his arm around my waist.
"Just playing dude" he chuckled


"May I have this dance?" Tucker asked as a slow song started playing.
I nodded and stood up, he grabbed my hand and we walked out to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck, we swayed to the music and talked a bit.
I rested my head on his chest as we danced, two more songs had played after the first. As the song ended I lifted up my head and looked at Tucker, he cupped my face and kissed my lips. A perfect way to end the night.

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