Chapter 11

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After Courfeyrac's maman put Gavroche to bed and Courfeyrac gave me medicine in attempt to ease my pain and make it manageable, she joined us to chat. I was settlement into bed still in Courfeyrac's arms and his maman was in a chair beside my bed. "I''m sorry about earlier Madame, I didn't mean to let my emotions get the better of me." She patted my leg, "it's fine dear it wasn't your fault you were in pain and overwhelmed." Courfeyrac sighed "I think that we've had enough excitement for one night. I have school tomorrow and Eponine needs to rest. Why don't we all go to bed?" We all agreed and Courfeyrac left to go to hid room.
The next morning I felt the worst amount of pain I had since I last saw my papa. Suddenly I was startled by a knock at the door. "Come in" I mumbled weakly. "How are you feeling?" Courfeyrac whispered, trying not to wake the rest of the family up. "Awful" I moaned "I'm really sore and feel a bit weak." He kissed my head, "I'm sorry love but I have to go to school. Try and rest yeah?" He said. "Oui" I whispered as I fell back asleep.

I woke up to Maman calling to me from the kitchen, "Eponine are you alright in there?" I tried to sit up and cried out, my ribs restricting my movement. She rushed in the bedroom, "what's wrong?" She gasped. "My ribs" I managed to say gasping; trying to catch my breath. "Lay down, I don't want you hurting yourself." I nodded taking a big breath and exhaling. I closed my eyed for ten minutes and the nightmares took over, I thought I was over this. It was the same as usual, my papa beating me senseless. I screamed waiting for my pain to end and for Courfeyrac to hold me. "Eponine! Eponine wake up!" Maman cried hysterically as she woke me up. "I'm sorry" I mumbled as I sobbed; still frightened from my nightmares. "It's okay, just try and calm down." She reaches to me; I flinch at her touch. "Gavroche" she shouts to my baby brother. "Don't touch him" I snarled quietly. My little brother runs into the room. "Go and get Courfeyrac. Quickly!" She sounded desperate. I can't even remember why. I started crying as she held me like a small child and tried quieting me. "I'm so sorry" I whispered through tears as I moved away and laid down. 

We sat in silence until Courfeyrac and Gavroche burst through the door. "What happened?" He gasped; out of breath and looking at me. I started to respond but just started crying again. He wrapped his arms around me while Maman explained what happened. " Well I think she had a nightmare and then I woke her up and she thought I tried to hit her when I tried to console her." Courfeyrac nodded rubbing my back and rocking me. "We're you scared love?" He cooed. I nodded. "I couldn't see Maman, I could only see him hitting me." I mumbled into his shirt. "I'm gonna send for Joly and have him take a look at you." I nodded. Courfeyrac looked at me standing up. "Eponine, I was going to wait until you were better but will you marry me? I've been waiting to ask you since we started courting." I nodded with tears of joy in my eyes as he put a diamond ring on my finger. "Do we have to have a big ceremony?" He laughed and kissed my head. "No I can arrange for the Priest to come tomorrow." I nodded grinning.

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