
My day started with a dodgeball to the nose.

Let me tell you, high school sucks. What makes it even worse?

Everyone making fun of you all the time just because your mum is the one who kept them all alive and brought them to the place you all lived in the first place.

It's more than just that, though. I'm always criticized because my dad is dead, and when I was younger, I was stupid enough to tell people I still saw him every few days. I wasn't lying or anything, far from it. My mum brought me with her to visit Dad in Purgatory every weekend to catch up and talk for a couple hours.

My life is a bit complicated.

I have super powers. A lot of them. Mum has nine, and I got some of hers when I was born, plus my dad gave his to me when he died. I have a few of my own, too.

Everyone in the Colony does.

Mum established the Colonies the same day my dad died. Apparently there was this big battle where my uncle blew up half of downtown Los Angeles, dying in the process, obviously, and Dad got killed by some guy who was mortal enemies with my parents. Mum broadcasted herself around the world, talking all the people like us to go into hiding and build colonies and all that shit.

She was about one month pregnant with me at the time.

Enough about my weird backstory. If you're reading this, you should already know plenty about it.

I'm not a total freak. I do have a couple good friends, but my best friend is a girl called Cherry Harris. I met her on some playground when I was about 5, and she was one of the only kids who stuck around when I started showing off the fact that I could fly. Back then, she had this bright red hair (that's why her parents named her Cherry), but she started dyeing it when she was about 14. Now it's purple, but the tips are jet black. She's got these really nice green eyes, pale skin, she's like a stick when it comes to body type. She didn't get her period until she was about 16, lucky bitch.

Trust me, I say that in the nicest terms.

She's got powers, too, obviously. She can stretch her body into any shape, since one of her powers is elasticity, and she's the only person who's ever met my Uncle Luke, other than some really close family friends.

That's only because she can see ghosts, though.

When I was little, I'd try to introduce people to him, but they'd always give me strange looks. It wasn't until I was about 8 that he explained his "situation" to me.

I wasn't very happy about it.

I remember complaining to my mum about it, but Uncle Luke would always laugh and start saying I sounded just like Phoebe.

Phoebe is my mum, by the way.

I'm getting way off track here. I need to explain the whole dodgeball thing.

My day had started off sucky already. Casey and Julia's 14-year-old son, Oscar, who stayed with me and Mum most of the time, had woken me up with his guitar (not a pleasant thing to hear at 6am, let me tell you). We'd been out of Nutella, so Mum gave me Vegemite on toast for breakfast instead (however Australian I may be, I draw the line at that stuff). I'd missed the bus, so I had to teleport myself to school, which took a lot of energy.

And, on top of all that, I'd landed on top of my crush.

I'm not that nervous around my crush, like most people in movies and tv shows always are. I'm casual. It's just a person, after all. No matter how much everyone else seems to hate me, they always seemed to like me just fine.

Power-Fall (extra sequel to the Superhero trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now