Chapter 22

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Once school was out I went on my skateboard and went to the woods. I passed the sign and flipped it off. When I came to the next sign I flipped that one off to.

Right when I got there I could hear Harry. "She won't believe me when I tell her." I laughed quietly at his nervousness. I climbed up the ladder.

"Hello Harry." He jumped and looked at me and I laughed. "I didn't think you would come." I looked at him. "Really I'm always up for an adventure now tell me everything Harry."

He told me everything. I felt so embarrassed for being mad at him but I couldn't. "I'm so sorry." I ran and gave him a huge hug. He quickly hugged back and laughed.

He pulled out a cigarette and gave me one. I quickly grabbed it and the lighter. For some odd reason I didn't like to smoke but it seemed quite nice now.

We blew out the smoke while looking at the sky. After a while he said "I'm glad you forgave me." I laughed and nodded. "I'm glad I forgave you to."

After throwing away our cigarettes we walked hand in hand around the woods. I ignored the feeling of regret. Good thing I took a risk I told myself.

Trinity and nialls texts

Trinity: Niall why are you so same cute

Niall: ??

Trinity: sorry I didn't mean to text that

Niall: ......

Trinity: .....

Niall: well I think your cute

Trinity: thanks

Niall: anytime love <3

Trinity: you know we should add Taylor and Harry and Cameron and tori

Niall: lol and we should date

Trinity: ......

Niall: .....

A/n hey just saying next chapter will be of all of us in a group chat. I know you ought find that boring but to me it's hilarious of course it would be great if you left a comment


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