Finding out the real truth

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*Bell rings*

Ayesha's POV

I was walking to my locker to put my stuff away."Giraffe!" I turned to see who I knew was calling me, Arife(aka Midget). "What is it, midget?" I asked her and continued to walk to my locker."Don't call me midget,giraffe!!"She growled. I opened my locker and put my stuff away then got out my lunch.I closed my locker door then turned to Arife"So why were you calling me?" She closed her locker door then spoke"I'll tell you while we wait for Melike and Jessica.""Just tell me on the way there,ok?" I asked her she nodded. We walked to the same table we go to, to wait for Jessica and Melike. Mainly to discuss random things.

Timeskip to when Arife and I are at the table and Arife has explained her day dream

Still Ayesha's POV

"Could this be related to my dream?"I took a bite of my sandwich.

"I don't know for sure but I feel like yes."

"Madam Arife? Sir Jeremy? Sir Moe?"

"I know it's so weird I don't what happening!It''s aff-!"She stopped went to La La land(day dreaming)"Oye,Midget?" I waved my hand in front of her face.No reply. I touched her shoulder then I soon,too, went to La La land.

Day dream of Arife and me

Arife's POV

"Madam Ayesha, madam Arife, dinner is ready." The butler,Frank I think his name was, called Me and Ayesha over. "Finally I'm starving!" Ayesha's stomach growled for food and Ayesha rubbed the back of her head. I laughed a bit. Then me and Ayesha walked inside to get dinner.When we entered the dinner was all set and there was so much and it looked amazing!"Doesn't it look amazing,Ayesha?"I asked her but got no reply"Ayes-?" I looked at her and she was drooling! Her eyes were sparkling and she was drooling. A maid came with tissue in her hand wiped Ayesha's face so she wasn't drooling anymore. "Madams you two should wash your hand since you just fought..."The maid told us. Me and Ayesha looked at our hands. We nervously laughed."Second person to the bathroom is a dumb chicken!"Ayesha spoke and ran away to the closest bathroom. I raced after her.'Woah what is happening? It's the same dream again?' Ayesha popped out of no where and it looks like it's the Ayesha I know. She could see me"I don't know but I have a feeling that we will find out soon. Let's hope we find out everything that is happening." I looked at her with a serious face. She just smiled at me. Me and Ayesha came running from the bathrooms and quickly sat down on a chair each."I got here first!"We said in unison"No you didn't I did! Shut up! Stop repeating everything what I say!"

Timeskip to bedtime

"Oye Midget..." Ayesha(the princess one) called out to me(also the princess one)."What?" I hissed at her."Do you think plan 'universe 246' will work?" Ayesha continued and ignored my hiss. I stopped and looked at her. "Why are you bringing this up? An answer to your question is I'm not sure." I put the hair dryer down.'This may be it! Listen carefully midget!' Ayesha(the one I know) spoke up. "But I just don't have a good feeling about this. This is something I can't control perfectly."Princess Ayesha looked down"I hate you but if something bad happens it will effect me. People you know will blame me, everyone will slowly forget about me and I don't want you to get hurt because I made a promise." Madam Arife stood up then slapped princess Ayesha.'Oye midget what was that for?!!' The normal Ayesha grabbed my collar. 'I can't control it! It's not even me...I think.' I replied. Ayesha let go of me. Then we looked at the other two. Madam Arife grabbed princess Ayesha's collar then spoke with a serious face"Ayesha you are an god! You control anything and everything!""I don't control emotions, I control universes.Th-."Princess Ayesha looked away from Madam Arife"Gods control everything but sometimes the humans or whatever else can take control if the gods aren't concentrating!" Madam Arife looked in Princess Ayesha's eyes with great passion. Princess Ayesha's eyes showed fear but then showed confidence. Princess Ayesha wiped away her tears and smiled at Madam Arife."Your right Arife *her last name*!" 'That's my full name!' I pointed at Princess Ayesha "That's the spirit Ayesha Marvell!" Madam Arife let go of Princess Ayesha and sat next down next to her. 'And that's my full name...' Ayesha smiled.




End of day dream

Ayesha's POV

"I remember now...I'm the god of all universes, the maker of everything, the controller of everything and the queens of queens." I snapped out of it remembering everything "Ruler of kings too." "What are you talking about?"Arife asked.I tapped her then she remembered all her memories. She looked me"You came after me didn't you? You tarvelled to this universe just to meet me again right?" She smiled at me. I smiled back her"Of course I missed having battles with you! Plus we need to got the other 2 Sirs too you know?" She blushed but she still had a smile on her face"Hey let's check out if our powers work again!" I nodded then we went outside. We went behind a school building.

"Okay than let's check this out! Midget hold still I'll use a move on you, ready?" I asked her and she nodded. "The 7 gates of heaven, please lent me your power, Courous!" I casted a spell. Then from my hands came out a mixture attack of fire,earth and water. Arife made a cross with arms to block it but it hit her and sent her flying. "Yes! My moves still work! What about you,midget?" I cheered "I don't know because I haven't tried it out yet, idiot!"She dusted her self off then got ready to cast spell." The ways of the sky, thunder is yellow, clouds are dark and you are stuffed!"She screamed her spell. Something (like a power wave)formed around her.'Why use a spell that uses so much magic and energy?' I thought to my self then put a hand on my hip. Dark clouds started to form then a sudden thunder came straight for me. I didn't move and waited for it to hit me. Then someone pushed me aside and saved me. I looked up to see....


Hey guys I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Can you guess how many words?















It's 1096 words yay! See ya guys in the next chapter!

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