My love's death?!

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Milad's POV

I slowly open my eyes. It's still night. I tried to get up but then saw Moe-senpai was sleeping with me in his arms. I blushed. I shook him a little "Moe-senpai..Moe-senpai." "Huh?" He woke up"Just 2 more seconds..." He hugged me tighter and then fell asleep again. "Moe-sen...pai....I can't...breathe.." I tried to escape his grip. He woke "O-oh! Sorry..." He let go of me. I breathed heavily "Senpai... Did you sleep with me in your arms?" "Um...yeah..." He looked away. I looked around to see everyone sleeping so soundly. Tharkui and Theresa were cuddling while Jessica and Melike slept near where Arife lied. I smiled. I looked around to find where Jeremy-senpai was sleeping. Then a figure under a tree caught by eye. It was Jeremy-senpai, he was sleeping under a tree with a frown"Aww, Jeremy-senpai looks so cute when his sleeping." I giggled. "He doesn't look that cute!" Moe-senpai puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms. "I guess your right. You look cuter when your asleep."I smiled at him. He looked away from me. I grabbed a spare blanket and got up. I walked over to Jeremy-senpai. I covered him with the blanket and then sat next to him. His frown was gone. I rubbed his head. His hair is silky and soft. Jeremy-senpai suddenly smiled and he slept talked " saved her...Thanks Aye..sha..." I awed at him because he was dreaming about Arife. 'How cute!' I thought to myself. "Don't't leave me! I" A tear ran down his cheek. "Ari...fe...Aye...sha...please do...something!" 'Wait, Who does he like? Arife or Ayesha?' I thought/asked myself. "Nooo!!!!" Jeremy-senpai woke up screaming and crying. Tears ran down his cheek. His hand was reaching out for something. "Jeremy-senpai-?" I tried ask him. But then he pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry...I just had a bad dream." He let me go and I was pulled away "Oye you idiot! Don't be so greedy! Let me have some girls too!" I noticed Moe-senpai was the one who pulled me away. "Moe-senpai?" I looked at him

Moe's POV

Milad titled her head at me. I pulled her into a hug. "Share!" I growled at Jeremy. He sighed and smiled at me "I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna get some sleep." He winked at me. I blushed. Milad suddenly felt warm. 'Could she be blushing?' I thought. Jeremy pulled his cover ,Milad got him, over him and went back to sleep. I let go of Milad "I'm gonna go back to sleep. You don't mind sharing a blanket, do you?" I asked Milad, She just smiled "I'll take that as a no." I walked over to the place I was sleeping in before. 'What's happening? Arife will be okay but...I don't know about Ayesha.' I thought before I fell asleep.

Timeskip backwards Ayesha's POV

I jumped on to a tree branch "Devil!!!! Stop!!! I'm here for you!!!!" "Don't follow me!! It's for the best!! Both for me and you!!!!" He sped up. 'Gah- What an idiot! I'm not giving up yet doe!!' I thought and sped up too. I jumped from tree(branch) to another. "Ayesha stop following me!!" He shouted at me "Never!!! I'm here to help you!!!" I shouted back at him. He quickly jumped to the ground and started to ran on the ground. I decided to stay above ground and soon caught up too "Stop right there!! It's about time you give up!!!" "No!!" He ran ahead. I jumped to the ground because there are no trees in the land. I ran aside him. "I said...STOP!!!!" I pounced onto him. I was on top of him. I got off him and sat next to him. "You can't ran away anymore, pal!! Mwhahaha!!!" I laughed evilly and then I give a little giggle. "There is nothing else you can do. You have to kill me!!" He cried and I stopped laughing. I give him a half sad smile and half joyful smile "I know but you know something?" He looked at me with teary eyes. "Huh?" He looked confused. I took the sword ,Jeremy and Moe give me, out of it's case. I hugged Devil. "" Devil spit out blood. I had stabbed him with the sword while hugging him. "Yes. Yes, we will." I smiled "In another time and another universe."

Devil's POV

I smiled and warm tears of joy fell on Ayesha's shoulders. "" I hugged her. Her warm aura felt wonderful.

Ayesha's POV

I broke the hug. Devil smiled. Then his body turned into little blue balls and flew up to the sky. A bright yellow still stayed where Devil was. "Farwell, Ayesha." The yellow orb spoke. It flew up to sky to follow the other but spoke once "Goodbye, I love you..." "Me too..." Tears of joy ran down my cheeks. The bright yellow orb followed his friends. After a few seconds, it disappeared from sight. I put my head down on the ground. My nose was toughing the ground and my tears fell of my face to the ground. I had a smile on my face but I was crying. "I..I'll go back when I *sniff* finish sobbing. *sniff*" I sniffed. I lie down on the wonderful grass. The wind blew softly. I cried.

bush moves

'There's something in the bushes!' I thought. I sat up and wiped my face dry from tears. "Who is it?" I asked. The bush moved again but I got no reply. Then something jumped out of the bushes.


Thanks for reading the chapter!

Next chapter gonna come soon! Hopefully...


Your guess?






















984 words today in this chapter! Yay! I wonder if there are gonna be more words in the other chapter? Me too, I wonder that too pal! Which had the most words? I dunno, that's why I asked you! Lmao Just kidding! See you guys later! In the next chapter! Bye bye!

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