I was too dumb to notice.

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I was too dumb to notice, that everything was a lie. You weren't the one I thought you were. You weren't the guy who I thought was really nice, interesting, generous, and just perfect. Liking, or should I say loving you for 3 years was just a waste.

What you did wrong. When my best friend told me that you supposedly put "DON'T VOTE" next to my name, I was in pain. All those gifts I've given you, were just a waste. Trying to get your attention was a waste. Loving you was just a disgrace. I gave you everything, I've done everything just for you but I wasn't worth to be your everything.

In the first place, why would you do that action? Especially to me, after everything. You just literally have to post that up in your group chat, and act like it's that cool. It really hurts to know that someone who you love and care about doesn't appreciate all the things you've done for them. You fed them when they were hungry, you were their company, and yet you were just a failure. Because you weren't worth their attention, you were used just for things, plenty things. I realized that I'm not appreciated by you.

I can't believe you did this. Its not you. You were so nice to me and you were so yet committed to talking to me. But, my heart is shattered now. Because you were embarrassed to be with me. You were embarrassed to like me. Whats so embarrassing about me? Did I do anything that gives anyone the chills? Because the only thing I did bad was loving you.

I'm still silently, quietly, yet hoping you'll end up with me.

To the guy who's STUCK on my mind.Where stories live. Discover now