But you never felt the same.

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But you never felt the same. You never ever told me how I was important to you. How you appreciated all the actions that I did for you, with you, just to be with you. You never gave me a sign if we can be. How there can be a chance on us.

You never showed the affection to even say You don't like me. Because you never did show a sign whether you did like me or not. You kept my hopes up that I crashed down crying after finding out the truth. How you never felt anything for me. How we had different feelings for each other. How I saw you as a really nice, handsome , yet charming guy. Maybe you saw me as not pretty, yet not elegant, but a nerd you want to use. If you did, Im not a nerd, because like I said, I'm hopelessly addicted to you, I'm in love with you.

What if  you ever tried to do tell me if I was important or not? What if  you ever plan something for me? What if you ever made that effort to be with me, to do things with me? What if you ever felt the same? What if you were just holding it in? What if you were interested on us? What if you had hope on us? What if you I wasn't paying attention while you were giving me this special sign? What if you appreciated all those actions I did, but was to shame to say Thank You. What if you ever liked me?

All those WHAT IFS, 

                                    kept me silently, quietly, hoping you'll end up with me.

To the guy who's STUCK on my mind.Where stories live. Discover now