Chapter 3

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Karlie's POV:

'What did I just say?!' "Sorry, that would be weird, just forget about it!" I said aloud and laughed but all Taylor did was give a faint smile.

Why is she acting this way, it was just a joke, I'm with Joshua and she doesn't like me more than a frie....and at that moment her lips colided with mine, I didn't kiss back but she just held the kiss and my face was wet, I didn't realize I was crying until she wiped away my tears, I hadn't realized that I wanted that kiss so much.

I'm in love with Taylor.... Completely, astoundingly in love....

I caressed her face, stroking my thumb slowly over her cheek, paying attention to ever little detail of her beautiful face.

I was staring into her beautiful blue eyes, not hearing what she said, " you " " mmmm?"
" I said, I love you Karlie" She said she loves me, Joshua's said it plenty of times but it never felt so special as when she said it. "I think I love you too Taylor" was all I could say while she pulled me into her and kissed the top of my head.

Taylor's POV:

She loves me too, why hadn't she said anything, she felt the same.

I was holding her in my arms,just enjoying the warmth radiating from her body.

" Why don't you stay the night?" I was hoping she said yes and finally she did.

I don't know what we should do tonight because I'm be with the whole couple thing...
"Tay.... you know I'm still with Joshua..." She just declared her love for me but she doesn't want to break up with Joshua.

I just got up and put on Aladdin and made myself comfortable on the couch. She sat next to me and said " You do know,that right? " " Yeah, I kind of figured..." was all I could say without wanting to cry and then she laid down in my arms, snuggling up to me and soon enough she fell asleep and I was left alone with my thoughts.

Author's Note:
Sorry that I updated late, I'm writing exams and I had to study...... The song of the day is Honeymoon Avenue - Ariana Grande

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