Chapter 5

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Karlie's POV:

I know that she's trying to avoid me but I'll give her some space, it seems like she needs it...

Since Cara is here, I'll call her and just hang out with her till Taylor is done with the meeting!
" Hey Cara! How's the special unicorn today? " I was thinking of that cute unicorn onesie that she has.

" I heard from Taylor that you're visiting and I was wondering if we could get some coffee or something..."

" Sure Karl's I would love to but I'm not in New York right now..."

" Okay, but I'll see you soon!"
How could she have lied to me, what has she got to hide?!

I'm going to follow her, I was just kidding about the space, but first let me call Joshua to tell him I'm taking a road trip with Taylor, eventhough I'll just be following and stalking her...

Taylor's POV:

I wasn't up for this, the dates have been set and I'm going home to pack, just a few things then I'll be heading home, my real home, where my mom and dad are, I miss them so much....

Karlie's POV:

Okay so she's heading to her apartment and I'll just stand behind the shrubs and watch her....

"Stay here, I'll be right back" I told the Cab driver.

Taylor's POV:

Finally I'm done packing and now I can leave, I'm going to take a cab to my car,since I left it at the studio and conveniently a cab is waiting!

" I'm glad you're back miss, I've been worried that you got caught stalking that girl..."

What was he talking about?! This has got to be Karlie's doing.

"Just drive,I'll tell you where to go...."

Karlie's POV:

Damn it! She took my Cab!!!!
' I know you were following me, it seems that I've got the crazy girl out of you ;) goodbye Karls' that's all the message read....

I think I know where she's going, I just hope I'm right!

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