11. Disturbing Events

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Dedicated to crimsondragin and juhikishore200 for being such darlings and voting and commenting your thoughts on this story. Your comments always bring a smile to my face! Thanks you so much for the support <3

Picture of the roomie (Alexandra Daddario) to the side.

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.


Suzzanah's POV

I was in the woods, surrounded by trees on all sides. The sky was dark and cloudy save for the occasional peeping of the moon from behind them casting a fleeting silver glow on the earth. The cold wind blew across the skies, through the gaps between the trees, over the unkempt grass and onto me.

My long night gown fluttered and chills ran down my body making me shiver and wrap my arms around myself. I looked around wondering where I was and how I had gotten here. Something about this place was familiar, but I couldn't tell what.

From the corner of my eye, in the distance, I caught a glimpse of white and my eyes trailed towards the source to find a woman in white, disappearing behind a large tree.

My feet moved on their own accord and went after her. I reached the tree next to which I had seen her. I went around it, but she wasn't there. I searched the distance but I couldn't find her.

Slowly I turned to face the tree behind me. It was a tall tree with a wide trunk and many branches. I slowly brought my eyes down to its thick roots which spread across the undergrowth.

As my eyes trailed over the roots they stopped over a thick liquid spilled near the roots. It looked dark and murky and I wondered what it was. I stepped closer and looked harder when suddenly the clouds cleared and the moonlight fell heavily onto the ground.

In the light the thick liquid shone a dark ominous red and I gasped.


I immediately recognized the tree. It was the one I had fallen from...but when? I couldn't remember. I blinked and the blood was gone and I stared at the silver grey grass in confusion.

Suddenly a deep low growl filled my ears immediately making me turn around, only to come face to face with a huge dark wolf. Its eyes were black but had flecks of gold in them which glowed even in the dark.

Somehow, I was not afraid of it. On the contrary I felt drawn to the beast as it stood tall and proud, alone in the vastness of the woods.

I took a step towards it but it didn't move. Its eyes stayed glued to my frame as I took another step forward, then another and another.

I was by its side, so close that I could feel it's warm breath against my neck. It bent its head and pressed it's muzzle into my stomach and tingles shot through my body.

I involuntarily reached out and ran my hands through its silky thick dark fur. As my fingers combed through the dark pelt, they came across a golden streak that gleamed brilliantly in the moonlight.

The large wolf raised its head and its eyes met mine. They were now a rich warm brown, a familiar brown.

I knew those eyes.

Almost immediately I found myself looking up into the eyes of the CEO. We were standing in the office where I had first spoken to him, it was night time and the large room was flooded with moonlight.

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