35. Revelations and Dread

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Dedicated to fireflies1716 who made the beautiful cover on the side. I'm extremely grateful for all your support. Thank you.

A huge shoutout to crzais for your constant support towards this story. It means the world to me. Thanks a lot!


This chapter is unedited so kindly excuse the grammatical errors.

Suzzanah's POV

"W-who...W-WHOOHOO....WHOOO....TOLD YOU?!" Mr. Talon wheeze-screeched between coughing fits while I stood behind him patting his back frantically.

I bit my lip worriedly, thrown by his over the top reaction. The worst I had expected from him was a dramatic gasp, not a near death experience!

"WHO SUZZANAH?" he gasped out turning to face me, his face a few shades paler than before, "WHO TOLD YOU?!"

I cringed, "Why Mr. Talon? Is it that bad that I know?"

"Judging by your reaction, I doubt you actually know child", he said massaging his forehead worriedly.

"Then tell me"

"NOOO!" he squealed shooting off his chair in shock, "Its classified information"

I frowned, "I thought I had access to all the classified information now that I know about you guys", I said, "You said it yourself, I would have all the answers I wanted"

"Oh this child will be the death of me", he wailed to himself before quickly sitting down and whispering, "Suzzanah, the matter you have brought up is a taboo. Forbidden. No one must ever speak of it"

This isn't good

"So it's bad"

"Bad is a colossal understatement!" he said agitatedly, "I must know who told you of it. If Alpha Zuerien finds out- OH MY GOD! What if the Alpha finds out?! He'll blow a hole right to the earth's core!"

He was freaking out, and internally, so was I.

Karina, what have you gotten yourself into?

"Who child? Please tell me", he begged and I could see the extreme desperation in his eyes.

I gulped and my lips parted hesitantly to reply to him, but he beat me to it, his eyes going wide, "Wait...you didn't'" he paled even more, so much that he started blending into the sunlight coming through the windows, "You didn't-didn't-you didn't see them did you?" he shouted horrified.

I was about to shake my head when he grabbed onto my shoulders, his wide eyes roaming my entire face anxiously, "Where did you see them?! When?!" he gasped hysterically, "Did they try to get to you? Did they try to hurt you?!"

They...the shadows?

I shook my head feeling extremely confused.

"Did they come for you?!"


"Did they see you?!"

My brow furrowed, "Uh...no?"

"Did they do anything they shouldn't have?!"

"No Mr. Talon, no" I told him trying to calm him down. I couldn't even really understand who or what he was talking about.

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