Heirarchy & Glossary

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Hello my dear readers,

This is not a chapter, but it is to help you better understand the hierarchy, power distribution and meanings of various titles belonging to the world portrayed in UNCONDITIONALLY:


ALPHA: The male leader of a Werewolf Pack and the most powerful position of the pack. All decisions regarding everything pertaining to that pack are made by him. 

LUNA: The female leader of a Werewolf Pack and mate of the Alpha wolf who shares the position of highest power with the Alpha. Holds all powers that the Alpha does.  Often also the most fiercely protected member of the pack. 

BETA: The Alpha's second in command and right hand man. Holds the second highest position in the pack and in the absence of the Alpha and Luna, the Beta takes over leadership of the pack. 

BETA FEMALE: The Luna's second in command and/or the Beta wolf's mate. Holds equal position and authority as the Beta.

ARYA: Name given to the Royal Beta Female.   

DELTA: The third highest position in a pack. The Delta Wolf is usually the Head of Security. He leads the Warriors Wolves who are together responsible for protecting and safeguarding the pack members and pack territory. Security, Patrols, battle training sessions, combat lessons etc. are all governed by the Delta. Sometimes also heads the Medical Wolves.

DELTA FEMALE: Also the third highest position in a pack, alongside the Delta, and/or the Delta's mate. Shares all powers of the Delta male. Heads the Medical Wolves and can also Head the Warrior Wolves.

WARRIOR WOLVES: The soldiers responsible for maintaining peace and security within the pack territory. They are headed by the Delta wolf.

MEDICAL WOLVES: The doctors and nurses of the pack. They are responsible for treating the sick, tending to the injured, doing periodic health-check ups for all pack members etc. The Medical Wolves are usually headed by the Delta Female but  can also be headed by the Delta male.

MESSENGER WOLVES: They are the mediums for communications between different packs as well as between Werewolf Packs and other Supernaturals. Are usually fast runners and are well versed with multiple languages, cultures and traditions. They are responsible for conveying important information and messages between packs as well as between Supernaturals.

OMEGA WOLVES: Members with weak wolves. They are the second lowers in terms of rank in the Pack. They are given jobs suited to their aptitudes, and they can climb the hierarchical ladder by taking up training to become either messenger wolves or medical wolves.

DORMANT WOLVES: Members who cannot shift into their wolves. They are the lowest in terms of rank in the Pack. They are given jobs suited to their aptitudes, and they can climb the hierarchical ladder by taking up training to become either messenger wolves or medical wolves. 

In the Werewolf World:

I. Alpha King and Luna Queen

They are the highest authorities in the werewolf world and their word is absolute.

Alpha Zuerien is far more powerful than the Kings before him because he is not only the Alpha King but also an Alpha Extraordinaire- Alpha of Power, and this is the very first time in history that the King is also an Alpha Extraordinaire. And because he is the wielder of multiple titles, he is called the Alpha Supreme.

As King, Zuerien has authority over all the other packs in the world but those packs do have their own individual Alphas and Lunas and other ranks as well.

The Royale Pack is the pack directly under Zuerien's jurisdiction and is the most powerful pack in the world.

Cole Knightly aka Beta Knight is Royal Beta and second in command of Alpha Zuerien.

II. Members of the Werewolf Council Extraordinaire and their Mates

This High Council consists of six members who are all owners of the Extraordinaire titles. The Council is lead by the Alpha of Power. The Mates of the Extraordinaire title holders have equal standing as the Extraordinaire Council Members.

Unlike the title of King which is inherited and passed down in the family, an Alpha or Luna Extraordinaire is born with special powers which award them the titles, although their powers may manifest later in their lives.

At one time, there can be only one person who holds each Extraordinaire Title, meaning that two Alphas of Power or Lunas of Intercession, etc cannot exist at the same time.

And seeing as the Extraordinaire title holders are born and not passed down in a particular family, they can come from any pack and any part of the world and have to be recognized and located.

Each Alpha Extraordinaire has a pack of their own which they govern and lead. Why Alpha Penson still stays in the Royale pack and acts as third in command to the king will be explained in the chapters to come.

NOTE: The Royal Beta and Royal Beta Female aka Arya have equal authority to that of the the Council members.

III. The Alphas of all other Packs and Deltas of the Royale Pack, seeing as it is the strongest Pack, meaning that the power and authority that the Deltas of the Royale pack have is equivalent to that of the Alphas of individual packs (Excluding the Alphas who are mated to the Lunas Extraordinaire)

IV. The Beta wolves of all other packs and the Warrior/Medical wolves of the Royale Pack.

V. The Delta wolves of all the other packs and the Messenger wolves of the Royale pack who carry messages between packs.

VI. The Warrior/Medical Wolves of other packs and the Omegas (weak wolves) and Dormant wolves (who can't shift) of the Royale Pack. They help with other Pack business as well as with paper work and other areas they are good at.

In the reign of the Alpha Supreme Zuerien Kai Royale, any ill treatment and/or disrespect towards lower ranking wolves is strictly forbidden.  

VII. The Messenger Wolves of all other Packs

VIII. Omega wolves of all other packs

IX. Dormant wolves of all the other packs


Note: There is no Gamma title in a pack, the Delta is generally the third in command. But in the Royale Pack, Alpha Penson's rank exceeds that of the Delta's.

There are other Supernatural beings other than the Werewolves, and the ones relevant to the story will be introduced and explained in due time.

I hope this helped you to better understand the ranks and power distribution in the Werewolf world.

Next update will be on Sunday.


From 8th of December my finals are beginning and I'll be busy throughout the month. So Im afraid the Sunday updates may be put on hold for a few weeks. I'm extremely sorry and I hope you understand my predicament.

I will update again after my exams are over. Sorry.

Until next time,

All my love


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