Chapter 4 - Insane

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I woke up with the distant feeling of regret. Regret of letting men trample over me and taking over my life. Regret of trusting people who didn't deserve it. Maybe if I would have paid more attention or have been more careful, nothing would have happened to me. Tyler, the one who molested me when I was 8 or Kyle, my ex, they were not good people. The people I thought were my friends, were never my friends. One of the things I now regretted was being seen by a person I barely knew during my one thing I held onto, my singing.

I got out of my bed and got ready for school. I grabbed extra baggy clothes today, just to be on the safe side. Just because Josh heard and saw me, doesn't mean he can recognize me. I place my hair up in a bun. I went downstairs and grabbed muffin, eating it as I grabbed my bag and went to my car.

The drive to school was short, but I had enough time to listen to 'Young and Beautiful' by Lana Del Rey, singing the lyrics as I parked. I got out of my car while humming the song. I spotted Luke walking towards me looking sympathetic. He hugs me and holds my hands.

"Are you ok?" His lush green eye looked into mine. I nodded and smiled.

"I should be fine. He won't know who I am." I try to sound enthusiastic, but manage to crack my voice in the end. Luke notices, but doesn't say anything.

"Cher!!!!" Emma runs up and hugs me from behind.

"Guess what!?!?!?" She yells loudly and I cover my ears with my hands.


"I had the perfect idea!" she says calming down a bit while her curled blond hair bounced while she talked.


"Well, I was thinking about your situation and did some research. I found an awesome company and talked to them about how amazing you are--"

"Emma what in the world are you talking about?" Luke asked her mirroring my own look of confusion.

"I'm talking about Cher going to a company to sing! She could pull it off! She can dress like this-" Emma points at my outfit, "here and dress up like her singing self at the company! It would be perfect! You would get singing lessons while getting paid to sing. You also wouldn't need to hide yourself from people because you would be dressed in baggy clothes when you leave. No one would know who you really are."

"That is absolutely ridiculous!" I yell at her and then stop. I start to think about her idea. It was perfect and she had a point. Free lessons plus singing and getting paid. Luke started to talk to her asking if she was high or something. It clicked though. I could be me and sing without people know who I was.

" I'll do it" I say.

"What?" they both stare at me in disbelief.

"I said, I'll do it." I repeat myself.

"Cher, are you sure about this?" Luke asks frowning slightly.

"Yes, I already thought it through. Plus, singing is the only thing I'm good at and it gives me a chance to show my true self instead of hiding like I am now." I say truthfully. 

" Oh my god Cher! I can't believe you liked my idea! I thought for sure you'd turn it down. Anyway, the company's boss is friends with my dad so after school we can stop by." Emma says smiling brightly.  Then she hooks her arm through Luke's and my arm and we start walking to first period.

"Afterschool? Isn't that a bit too soon?" I ask. It not that I'm backing out, but I still think I should have some practice before hand. I mean who goes waltzing into some company asking to be an amazing, popular singer if they're not prepared? 

"Do you want to be seen by Joshie boy after school again?" she asks. No, that would not be a good idea. Plus, I might have a panic attack this time which would be bad. Honestly, I wish I could be open to people like I used to, but it took more than a year to even trust Luke.

"No, of course not. I'm afraid that he'll recognize me during class and trust me I don't want that to happen." I shiver at the thought of him recognizing me.

"Trust me Cher, you look like two different people and don't worry I'll make sure he won't ever see you like that again. I've got this all figured out." Emma says confidently, fist pumping in the air, "First I'll send you the directions and then once you get to the building, we have permission to borrow their changing room. I'll give you a complete make over! No one will know who you are." She says excitedly.

We reach P.E. and walk in the room while Luke and Emma talking about carpooling to the building. I look around and spot Josh in the same spot as yesterday, just my luck. He was showing someone a video on his phone with headphones in. As I take a seat I glance over at him. Apparently the video ended as they take out the earphones.

"Sorry man I don't think that chick goes here. Trust me I would know." The jock next to him says frowning, "But she has an amazing voice." I freeze and look at Josh.

"Hey Josh" I say,"Can I see the video?"

"Yeah, sure. If you know who it is can you tell me? I'd love to talk to her about singing." He says handing over the phone. Looking over the video I can already tell that it was me. The focus was on me sitting on the piano bench singing. I freeze in shock.


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