Chapter 6 - Bridges

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I was slowly waking up. I was laying in a comfy bed, my thoughts were clouded. Where am I? What happened? I opened my eyes, staring at the white walls. My eyes wandered for a bit. I was laying in the school's clinic bed. There was a woven faded blue blanket covering me, keeping me warm in the cold temperature room. Emma sat in a chair to my left looking at me with concern. I smiled at her, letting her know that I was fine.

"I'm sorry-I didn't know-"

"Didn't know!?! You mean you didn't notice that she was begging you to let her down!!! I bet she didn't even give you permission to pick her up!" I could hear yelling behind the clinic door, "In fact, you probably didn't ask her if you could pick her up!!! Just stay away from her."

The door opened quickly with force, and in stormed an angry Luke. He slammed the door behind him. His black hair was messy. His green eyes bore into mine and I could see him slowly calming down. He took a slow breath and his furious expression changed to one full of worry.

"Are you ok Cher?" Luke asks. His voice low and soft. I over reacted when Josh picked me up and I know that he probably was confused. A normal person wouldn't react that way when being picked up, but then again I wasn't normal. I was screwed up and anyone who knew my past would know that. I've never told anyone the full story, just bits and pieces. I know that if I told anyone, they would probably think that I was messed up.

"I'm fine." I lie and force a fake smile.

"You should go home and rest." Luke says, eyes full of worry.

"No that's ok, I can handle the rest of today, besides I'm not sure what I would do at home other than being bored out of my mind."

Emma sat watching our small conversation, but then suddenly perked up, " After school today, you have to drive over to my house and then we can work on your appearance. I already have an outfit picked out for you!" She says excitedly. I nod to let her know that I would be there.

Luke cleared his throat. I turned to him and rose my eyebrows, giving him a questionable look, "What's up?" I asked him.

"I was just wondering if I can go and watch you audition?" He asks. I laugh, grinning at him.

"It's not like it's a big deal. Besides I'd feel more comfortable with you guys there anyway." I shrug and sit up. Luke sits besides me and smiles down at me. Luke had that atmosphere that makes you feel safe. I didn't have the feeling of safety around me for a while after what happened with Kyle, but after getting to know Luke, he just did that to me and everyone else he knew. He was the cool guy, but the amazing friend. Though if you hurt him of, you'd make a lot of enemies. I hope the girl he likes accepts him, because he'd probably be a good boyfriend. Of course, I probably would end up alone, because I probably can't hold a relationship or even think about one after what happened with Kyle. I often wonder if it was all a bad dream, that the stuff with Kyle was all in my head, but I know it's not and the scars will most likely stay there.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." He says and looks towards Emma, "Can I get a ride from you?" He asks Emma. Since Luke usually carpools with his soccer friends he'd need a ride from one of us.

"Ummm... well, I don't think that's a good idea. My mom is getting home early today and if she sees the mess in my bedroom she'll kill me. Plus, you live closer to Cher. I'm sorry, I just need to clean it up after school and I'll call you guys over when the coast is clear." Emma says while playing with her blond curls.

"That's ok" I say, "My mom doesn't care plus I don't mind."

"Thanks Cher." Luke says.

"No problem."

"I really think we should go to 3rd period now or else the nurse is going to kill us with her glares." Emma whispers pointing to the nurse, who was glaring daggers at us. Luke chuckles and gets up, holding his hand out for me. I take it and use him as a support to get up. I smile up at him as thanks.

Heading out through the door, I saw Josh running his hand through his blond hair looking slightly panicked. As I walked out of the school's clinic, he locked eyes with me. He held a guilty an expression. I looked towards Emma, she looked calm and collected. I flinched when I felt a hand touch my arm. Luke tensed up beside me. Josh moved his hand back to his side as soon as he saw my reaction, stepped back and then looked down.

Emma grabbed my arm and dragged me off to my next class. During class I didn't pay attention, focusing on my own thoughts. I barely even noticed the bell ringing, signalling that it was time for lunch. Emma had to poke me to get my attention. We walked to the cafeteria as Emma talked about how she would do my hair for the audition. When we walked inside the cafeteria I noticed Josh was sitting with the jocks and the cheerleaders. I felt hurt, but at the same time relieved that he wasn't sitting at our table.

The rest of lunch passed by without any interruptions other than some of Luke's fangirls giving Emma and me some hateful glares. Throughout the rest of the school day Josh didn't talk to me or even look in my direction. Even after knowing that he would probably end up in the popular group, I was still a little upset, mostly because I was dissapointed that he didn't prove me wrong. In the end, I guess it's for the best considering that I was almost discovered by him.

When the bell signaling that the last period of the day had ended, I went straight to my car and sat inside, listening to Fall Out Boy's, Alone Together while waiting for Luke to get to the parking lot.


So I just desided to stop it there because I havent updated in forever (sorry about that). Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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