Chapter 1

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Dedicated to meryerhmm

Few days later,

I was shown into a large office with an amazing view of forests and a stream ; I was several miles from anywhere.

Alexis Grey's office building was made of glass, endless windows giving the impression of being outside. That, was exactly how I liked nature ; air-conditioned and bug free.
The door opened and a well-preserved blonde in a black Chanel suit walked in. She was preceded by a roll of energy that was a pleasant yellow color. Werewolf. She extended her hand and I took a step back.

"I'm sorry but I can't shake your hand. It messes with my magic."

She raised a well-plucked eyebrow at me. "Fine. I'm Gina Grey. Thank you so much for coming."

"Oh. Hi."

"I was hoping to get a chance to speak with you before my daughter arrived. You must understand how distressing it is that your services are needed. My daughter is very confli cted over the situation and... well, don't let her run you off."


"She didn't hire me, did she?" I
asked. I could see the answer already.

"In time, I'm sure she would have."

"I'm sure you were told of her special gift."

I frowned. I remembered everything my boss told me but not remembering any special gift spoken of. The older woman might have sensed my struggle.

She chuckled, saying, " I guess your boss forgot to tell you that my daughter was born with a penis."

"Oh. I guess it escaped my boss.",I said blushing.
There was a painful pause where we didn't make eye contact and each tried to think of something to say.

"Don't worry, she doesn't bite." ,She laughed.

I was expected to laugh. The classic dog bite joke used to reference a werewolf. Hysterical, I thought sarcastically.

"What would you like me to do? Magic is tricky, especially with something like a love or lust spell. If she's not open to it, it's very unlikely to work at all."

A deep voice that raised every hair on my body came from the

"My mother has a way of getting to people first. It's very irritating."
The hottest being I had ever seen was standing in the door. If this woman couldn't get it up, that was a crime against humanity.

She came forward slowly, looking me up and down, a flash of gold glinting across her green eyes. Sure, she was tall, dark and beautifully handsome. Chocolate short hair with a hint of a wave, expensive suit... did I mention the hair? Most werewolves have long hair but not her.
This guy doesn't look like a werewolf at all. She seemed like an Ivy League over-achiever. One of those guys one reads about but never meets- at least not when she's single. She should be married like her mother did.
Did I just say guy?Yeah, because she looks like one.

She gave me a polite smile. "I'd offer to shake your hand, but I understand that's not the proper Wiccan greeting."

Alexis had a relaxed air around her, as though she didn't
mind that I was standing in her office talking to her mom about her ability to get off. Sure, she didn't. "That's right, we don't do well with physical contact."

Alexis was staring hard at her mother, wanting her to leave while she studiously looked out the window , pretending to be oblivious. I thought I'd give her her money's worth.

"Mrs. Grey, it was very nice to meet you. Will I see you again?" She snorted indelicately and turned towards the door, then paused and went back to her daughter. Gina seemed like a bit of a Ball-buster and I wondered if she was going to berate her in front of me. She touched her chest, stroking her tie lightly as though it had a crease. It didn't.

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