Chapter 6

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      The security made an announcement that they were going to test the fire alarm and that everyone should gather at the very edge of the parking lot, about five hundred yards away.

        Hopefully, it would be far enough. We watched them file out of the building, Alex and I were staring at the screen, a few feet apart, arms crossed, leaning in as though that would make the image clearer.

     As the minutes ticked by, my shoulders started to ache with tension but I forced myself to relax. Finally, everyone was out of the building and shock—nothing had happened.

"Well?" I asked, desperately curious.
"She's still here. I didn't feel any change; she hasn't disappeared or gotten closer or anything."

          I had a horrible urge to giggle. "So either she's out there and we missed her, she's in the bathroom with stomach poisoning and she hasn't left yet. Or it's Shady." Shady is one of the female securities and she didn't know what we were talking about but she gave us an evil glare. And I bet she had a mean softball arm.

Alex looked at me, giving me a quick once over, voice soft and intense. "Those are the only options you came up with?"

"You better go outside," he said in a low tone. "Shady is coming too!" I said. "Fine. No offense Shady, I'm sure you're a lovely woman but I suspect you'd be just as surprised to find I was your mate as I would be." She grunted and left, hitching up her pants as the door closed.

Chuck chuckled and talked about being in a pickle or stuck in a sandwich or something. Chuck is head of security by the way.

I was frankly so shocked my ears were ringing a little and I didn't catch it.

"It's not me."
"Go outside so we know for sure."
"There is absolutely no reason to. It isn't me." He growled again. "What makes you so sure?" "Well, I hate doggy-style for one." Chuck high-tailed it out the door, and oddly, it made the room seem smaller.

Alex was looming over me. She took a step closer and I backed up, ass hitting the security system controls.

"Then you haven't done it right. Go outside." His voice was so seductive my nipples turned to stone. My throat was dry. I went. I walked outside, and with every step, I heard an echo in my brain, a little mantra, 'I'm not her mate', 'I'm not her mate' and every step would be overlaid with her comment about not doing it right.

Ten minutes later we were told to come back in. Alex was nowhere in sight. What did that mean? I went back to the office, imagining that everyone's eyes were on me. Totally imagining it. For a brief moment I wondered what it might be like to be Alex's mate.

        The one person in all the world that was meant for her. My eyes got a little teary eyed and I blamed it on the fluorescent lights. She was hot, charming, a leader, funny, hot again and she turned furry every now and again.

       But once a month I was on picnic either. But I just couldn't fathom that it was true. Alex's door was slightly ajar, so I knocked and heard her tell me to come in. I peeked my head around the door and she was standing next to a little winebar.

"Brandy? Scotch?" She asked me in a flat voice. Oh, fuck. "Is it to celebrate my lack of matey-ness?"
"Nope." She swallowed her drink in one huge gulp. I wasn't offended, I'd drink too if I found out I was my mate.

       She poured me a glass of something and prowled towards me, almost proprietarily. I blushed and almost took a step back, but thought it was a good idea to stay still. Otherwise, she might think I was submissive.

Wait, was that actually how it worked? Holy shit, was she going to treat me like a dog? It didn't matter, I wasn't her mate.

"Hold up, hound dog. So I guess that when I left the building the 'feeling' went away?"
"You got it. The only thing I didn't understand was how I felt her presence last night even though you weren't there. But I just made a phone call and guess what I found out? Apparently the house car dropped you off outside the party last night. So you were there, weren't you?"

"Yes," I said, like I was facing the guillotine. "Do you want me to explain the joys of doggy style to you or just give you a demonstration?" She said it half-jokingly, but the look in her eyes was dead serious.
I backed up. "I'm not your mate! There is another explanation."
"You yuck it up with those dog jokes but you're going to pay for each and every one of them."

      She wrapped an arm around my waist and yanked me  up against her. I felt her through my clothes, hard and ready, her hips against mine. It was exciting, frightening, and made my legs a little weak and my panties a little damp.

Okay, I'm sorry for the delay because.......

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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