Chapter 5

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Dedicated to meryerhmm

The next morning , i had a call from Alex asking me to come to her office that morning. She sounded perturbed and angry. That was when i knew that i was in a big trouble and will be fired.

I had something planned. I was going to keep it professional and bring her her favourite coffee. She couldn't fire me if i came with her fav mocha, could she?

When i went into the office building, people were working at their desk in a hast as if they had to meet a deadline, but Alex hadn't come in yet. Really, too much of a boss who wanted everything done on time and she happens to be late. Her secretary let me into her office, keeping the door open.

Alex came in thirty minutes later looking a little disheveled and tired. She saw me and her month made a hard line before giving me a tight smile.

Shit, i'm going to be fired.

"I bought coffee. A mocha, your fav."

"Thanks." She threw her briefcase on the desk and it fall off, hitting her chair and then bumping to the floor. She looked surprised and then jerked her gaze back towards me, frowning at me. As if distracted by something.

"Sorry, i'm a little off my game. My mate is here. But a coffee is really nice of you."

I stood up, felt my stomach plummet into two inches pump and gave an odd smile, " coffee, yeah. Well, that's great. I guess you don't need my service anymore."

"What?" She threw me a confused look. "No, last night she was at the gala. But i couldn't find her and now she's here again. She's here, somewhere in the building but i can't figure where."

"Well, i'll just leave the coffee here and leave. It was nice to meet you, i'm sure they'll want atleast half the retainer but you'll need to work that out with them. I just make the magic happen, don't get involved with the billing much, you kn-"

"Why, do you have verbal diarrhoea?" She asked frowning. "Sorry, i shouldn't have said that. I think you bring out the worst in me." She picked up the coffee from her desk and took a sip.

That comment she made , made me frown. But i'd heard about my effect on people before, mostly my clients so i was willing to let it go.

"Eww. No i don't. I was just trying to say goodbye in a polite - "

"Hold up. You can't leave yet. Can't you do like a locator spell or something?"

It was my turn to give her 'confused face'. "You lost her already?"

She growled at me and i took a step back. It was kind of hot , but mostly it just reminded me that this person wasn't as human as she looked.

Definitely outside my comfort zone.

"No. I couldn't find her last night. She left the gala before i could find her."

"What about your super power?" I tapped the side of my nose.

"There were hundreds or more people in that room, believe me it was hard to smell anything. And that was probably for the best. Chris Adams' perfume and salmon don't mix."

I wanted to say eww again." Eww. Then how did you know she was there? And why didn't Leeonidas help you."

She leaned back against her desk, crossed her legs at the ankles. "I felt it." "Wait! Leeon? Do you know him?"

Ohli shit.. i've been caught. What do i say.

"No. I don't know him."

"Then how did you get the name and knew that he was at the gala?"

" I might have heard the name from you in one of conversations and i knew that since you are hosting the gala he will definately be there."

"I guess so."

Whoa, that was close.

For a moment it seemed like she was talking just to me. I found myself walking closer, stopping a foot away from her closed legs, closer enough to smell her cologne. It smelled really nice.

"Hey, why do you wear cologne, i thought you didn't like smells?"

"I'm used to it. I don't even notice it. And she's here now."

"Really?" I looked around her office, expecting some skinny leggy blond with red nails like claws to jump out from air.

"Not in here, out there." She made a waving motion. "In the building."

"Well then why are you here? Go get her. Attaboy. Fetch."

She looked at me with cold patience. "Do you know how many people are in this building?"

"No. I don't work here, so i have no idea." I said reasonably.

"Two hundred and fifty or even more."

"You are right. That is alot."

"I have no idea how to narrow it down. But i have to find her. I can't risk her leaving again." Her gaze slid away from mine and i felt like there was something she wanted to say but was trying not to.

"I can't locate her. I would need something that belongs to her. We'd have to know who she was first. But here is a thought. What if you pulled the fire alarm, like as a test, and as people filed out the door you'd know when she left the building. We could use surveillance camera or stand at the entrance of the building".

She looked at me in shock. "That is a good idea. You are very smart."

"Do you know how often people tell me that? And they always look just as surprised as you. It's really irritating."

She smiled , and said " i will go and stand at the entrance and wait for her to pass so that i won't miss her this time round."

End of chap. 5

Thanks to all my readers for taking their time to read,vote and comment. The next chapter is probably the last.

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