Chapter 6: Secret.

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Celestia happen to be feeling a little different she seemed more cross. She didn't go to the potions classroom. She stayed locked up in her room. The headmistress noticed her absence during the day, so she made her way to the potions classroom. She had always treated Celestia like her own.

"Enter." Severus said then looked up, "Headmistress, how may I help you?"
"Where is Celestia?"

He looked at her, "Headmistress, as I can clearly recall she is my assistant not the other way around, this is now become a recurring event, I don't know where she is, must have taken another sleeping tablet." He huffed. Minerva narrowed her eyes at him. "She is a nice kid Severus, but circumstances have changed her, in fact I could say the same for someone else in this very room." She looked at him then turned to leave. "Headmistress, wait." he walked out with her towards the dungeons.

Minerva knocked on the door. She heard some movement, the door opened. Celestia stood there with a glass of fire whiskey in her hand wearing an over sized sweater; she looked as if she hadn't slept for days.

"Headmistress, Professor Snape what have I done now?"

"Celestia, are you alright, you look tousled, do you need something?"

"No, nothing really, Sorry professor I didn't come to help you, since you didn't need me  you made it pretty clear yesterday." She sipped her drink and looked at him. Minerva looked at both of them.
"Oh, whatever it is I hope you both solve it, and Celestia take care child. And Severus BE NICE" she warned him then left the room.

Celestia walked inside and sat on the sofa, "Do you need anything else, Professor?"
He walked in and stood next to her. "What exactly happened here in the last 24hours?"

"Firewhiskey?" she said handing him a glass, he took it then looked at her. "NO, just answer my question Miss Hamilton."

"Why should I tell you?"
"If not me then someone else at least, keeping problems to yourself will not solve anything. Neither will this drinking."

She started laughing, "Says the most reserved person in the entire Wizarding World!" He looked at her. He turned to leave.

"Professor, if I tell you a secret, will you tell me yours?"
"Good night Miss Hamilton, I will see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Professor." STUBBORN BAT!!

"So are you Miss Hamilton." He closed the door.

The next day Celestia woke up with a ghastly headache, it was already afternoon, she had slept through the entire morning; she got up and walked out to the sitting area and refilled her glass with water this time. She sat there for quiet sometime absorbed in her thoughts. For the past few nights she hadn't been getting sufficient sleep the nightmares were more frequent and more livid. Shoot today is the Ball. She got up and walked towards her bedroom closet, she searched  for her dress, Celestia was the type who didn't own dresses, she only had one black dress which she wore and well this ball she would be wearing the same. She took the dress out of the box and laid it on the bed she took her wand and made some changes in it, like she did every year mainly for the Ball, although Camo had tried to convince Celestia to buy a dress but she was unsuccessful. Celestia was pretty resolute about it, she loved her black dress.

It was nearing 7pm Celestia walked to the gates of Hogwarts, there she saw Severus Snape waiting for her in traditional black dress robes.

"I thought you wouldn't come!" she said looking at him.
"I said, I would."

She smiled at him, "Shall we?" she asked putting her hand in front for him to take, and he did. They apparated to the suburbs of London. A huge tent was set up in the middle of the grass land; she stopped and opened her purse, taking out a hip flask, then drank the firewhiskey in it. She gestured the flask towards Severus, he declined it. "Believe me you're going to need it. Also it's a press ball be careful who you talk to. Not everyone can be as kind as me." She said and winked at him. He offered her his arm which she took, they walked towards the entrance.

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