Trust vs Hate

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Jason and I were flashed back to camp immediately by Hermes after we came to realization that Ezra was up to something that I had a feeling could end with someone getting hurt. We were flashed right in the middle of all the cabins and in line with the big house, people gave us a few weird looks but then just shrugged it off. There were a lot more than twelve cabins ever since the war against Gaia, Jason had kept his promise regarding minor gods. My dear sister Kym was given a shrine that I was luckily given to put in my room next to my fathers.

We walked into the big house, everyone was there Annabeth,Piper, Reyna,Nico, Frank, The Stolls, Will Solace, Clarisse, Hazel, Chiron and of course Ezra. He happily sat in the center of the room, with a smile on his face that made me want to believe that he was happy being tied to a chair.

"Ezra, what games are you playing?" I growled. Ezra gave an innocent look that made me wanna punch him all the way up to Olympus.

"I am not playing any games, I wanna apologize to everyone that I hurt and used illegal tactics on" his voice was full of pride "I would like to personally apologize to that Demigod that I stabbed while trying to escape your prison, it was not right that I made him doubt himself as a worthy guard" He would not meet anyone's eyes "Annabeth I apologize for trying to kiss you, even tho you can do so much better than Percy, and Percy I am sorry for trying to steal your girlfriend" He shot a playful smile and then his face saddened "You see I was never taught the difference between wrong and right, my mother was a drunk, she never really cared what I did as long as I never got caught, I never asked a girl out we would just kiss regardless whether she was single or not" he looked up at me with a single tear drooling down his left cheek. "All I'm asking for is a second chance"

Everyone looked at me with begging eyes "Come on give him one more chance Perce" Will begged

"Everyone deserves a second chance" Piper smiled

"I still don't trust him" Clarisse growled

Annabeth walked over to me and laced her fingers with mine "Give him a second chance we will all keep a good eye on him, and if he does anything that you find unacceptable we will send him to Olympus for a trial" She rested her head on my shoulder.

"One more chance" I spat "And boy if you mess this up, you will deal with me" Clarrisse gave me a shocked look of disgust, Ezra smiled as along with everyone else. "Everyone is dismissed, except for Chiron and Clarisse" Ezra just stood up, breaking all the lines of rope that was wrapped around him like a thin reed.

"How can you trust him?" Clarisse growled

"I don't, that's why I want you to get your siblings to keep an eye on him without him knowing" I nodded and Clarrisse left the room

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" I asked Chiron

"Boy, I don't know what to tell you, this child is either a very good actor or is telling the truth"  I'm hoping that he is a very good actor because then I can get revenge on him for those demigods that are now lying in the infirmary with stab wounds in their abdomens and thighs.

I stood under the warm afternoon sun watching that son of Ares flirt with a group of Aphrodite sisters, The Stolls were being chased by a blue haired Clarisse, Nico and Will were walking together and then Jason and Piper were sitting on top of the Zeus cabin roof pointing at clouds and laughing. I smiled at how Jason and Piper were slowly starting to ease up about Leo.

A head rested on my shoulder and fingers laced through mine "What you thinking about?" The voice belonging to the head asks.

I turn around to face her and smile "Nothing just taking in my surroundings" she looks into my eyes trying to determine weather I am telling the truth or not. I turned back around and put my arm over her shoulders. We stood in silence for a few minutes just looking around "Lets go to our spot" I whisper, she looks up at me with her stormy eyes and nods.


"I could do this all day" Annabeth says while trying to get the afternoon sun. I stared out at the water playing with a pebble in my hands. "Hey, what's wrong?" Her voice was so calm and soothing.

"I don't trust Ezra how could he escape then come back a few days later and claim that he has changed" I whined "And the fact that my own girlfriend trusts him when she is the goddess of wisdoms daughter, surely your instincts are telling you that something is off"

"Percy, I know something isn't right but he thinks that I trust him and if he is really up to something he will show his true colors soon" 

I stood up and dusted myself off "Where are you going now?" She asked

"I have to go and train that twit" I spat

"Okay, well  try not kill him"

I shot her a smug look and kissed her on top of her head before walking off to go and find that son of Ares.

I found that twit in the same place he had been when I left over an hour ago, there were about six girls surrounding him and giggling like Aphrodite while he told cheesy jokes.

"Ezra, stop ruining these girls day with your cheesy jokes and go and get that big head of yours to the training arena!" Ezra was about to say something but quickly walked off "Ladies" I nodded and headed off in the direction of the arena.

One arm behind my back and one in front of me with Riptide in my hand, Ezra had a tight grip on the hilt of his sword with both hands and a tear of sweat ran down the left side of his face.

"Jackson, you think you are like a god don't you?" He growled

"Dude, the Olympians offered me immortality" I laughed

He made a frustrated noise and ran at me like a mad Spartan with his sword in the air, he was so caught in the moment that he forgot to slash his sword, I hit his sword causing him to fall down and his sword to land in between his legs. I offered my hand to help him up but he smacked my hands out the way. He stammered back with a look of fear on his face. He got up and began pointing at me.

"Y-You t-tried to kill me!" People started coming into the arena. "H-he tried to kill me, he took my sword and tried to kill me!"

"What, I didn't try to kill him" there was a minor chant among the crowd "Come on its me guys!" I begged. I was given disappointing looks. "Guys?"

How did you find that chap?
Would you have trusted Ezra with that story about his mom?
Do you believe in second chances?

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