Unthankful Girls

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It's been six months since I turned my back on camp and Thalia found my identity, ever since then I know that she has got people searching for me. I am now permanently on the run, but the place I go to the most is at the top of Thalia's pine tree and I watch the campers in the arena or people struggling on the climbing wall. The volleyball courts are most interesting because it seems like Piper has taken on a new hobby. I can tell she is very frustrated, the way she plays says it all, she is hitting the ball with aggression and is making funny grunts just like the woman when they play tennis.

I miss Camp so much it was my second home until I was kicked out because of that brat or as Ares would say 'that punk'. I smile at all of my fond memories at camp like, Annabeth and I's  underwater kiss or the first time she spoke to me and stated that I drool when I sleep and my first ever capture the flag. These memories now seemed so distant.

A cry for help kills those memories "Help my brother and I are being attacked by a monster!" A kid screams "Please!" I jump down from Thalia's tree and follow the cries for help. I found the kids there was a boy who was around the age of twelve and a girl around the age of sixteen. The boy was unconscious and was being shielded by his sister. The girl has brown hair and her eyes are also brown with a tint of orange, her brother reminded me of Leo, they look alike.

I uncapped Riptide and called "Hey you, over here!" The Hellhound turned around and faced me, but ignore me and turned to face the girl. I did the noble thing and carved a 'P' into his back right leg, that seemed to get his attention. I focused on the boy who was moving and groaning and for a second lost concentration and let's when I learnt my lesson not to loose your focus in a battle because the next thing I knew a giant claw slashed my right arm and leg, I let out a cry of pain. The hellhound now hovered over me, Riptide was on my left and slightly out of my reach,the hellhound tried to decapitate me but my reflexes were to quick because I shifted my body off to the left as his big head went down. I grabbed Riptide and closed it. Yes now I know you are probably like 'dude that is your way to kill this thing' yes I know that. I stuck Riptide under his chest and uncapped it once more, my blade went through the hellhound turning him to dust which sprinkled all over my body. I didn't know quite how to react because it was dust all over me from a dead monster does that mean that his guts are now all over my face?

"Wh-what was that?" The girl asks. Her arm had a nasty scratch that started from her shoulder to her elbow. Her brother however had a gash on his head that was oozing with blood.

"Oh no worries lets just worry about a hellhound and not thank the guy who just saved you and your brother's lives" I shrugged. The girl gave me a look disgust.

"What's a hellhound?" She asked.

"Okay, obviously you speak a different language because I still haven't heard a thank-you" I cockily point my left ear towards her and cup it with my hands "Come on, you know you can do it" I say in a tone as if I was talking to a baby. The girl crossed her arms and raised her right eyebrow.

"Thank-you for saving our lives" She mumbles while uncomfortably looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I ask and lean in even closer.

"Thank-you for saving my brother and I's life!" She screamed in my ear. I began to stumble backward with my hand cupped around my ear. "Now what's a hellhound?" She asks this time her voice is filled with Attitude.

Her brother began to groan, I immediately rushed to his side "Hey buddy" I say calmly, the boy tried to get up "no, stay down I will find you a pillow" I turn and face his sister. "Would you please get your brother a pillow?" The girl turned full with attitude. She soon returned with a bag, which I took and placed it under the boys head. I took my handkerchief that Reyna had given me for missions and threw it on the floor, then a tent formed, it's a four sleeper and is air conned which helps a lot during the summer. I turned around with a smug on my face and saw that the girl and her brother were both having a 'whoa' moment.

I entered the tent and found some ambrosia, I handed it to the boy "Here eat this". The boy took it and began smelling it and he also had to examine it which made me laugh.

"Anyway my name is Alpha" I put my hand out to the girl who just looked at it "Okay, also don't know how to reply to a gesture"

"I'm Joey and this is my sister Cami" The boy said after finally deciding to trust the ambrosia.

"It's Camryn, to you " Cami spat. "What are you?" She asks

"You ask as if we are aliens" I smile.

"What do you mean by we?" She crosses her arms once more and raises an eyebrow. So I did what was right and didn't tell her a thing. "You will find out soon" I promised "I swear on the river Styx". Cami didn't approve but trying to impress girls isn't my thing anymore. "Hey Joey do you collect myth O' magic cards?" Joey's face lit up brighter than Apollo's teeth.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in the last week.
I know you guys probably are getting bored of the saving demigods but the next chapter will change.

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