The Storm

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I stormed past the injured, ignored the cries of pain and gave a death stare that if it was a storm there would be no more Camp Half-Blood to anybody who dared to interrupt my tone.

I can't believe that Percy is still so close to camp after the betrayal that he went through. Why was I told a lie? Why wasn't I told the real false accusation? Did they think that I would try to harm Percy or that I wouldn't believe them and stick on Percy's side? I have lost a brother and friend because they were so gullible and naïve. Why would Percy try to kill anyone who doesn't deserve it? It's Percy Jackson, his flaw is loyalty, he is to loyal to even let other demigods suffer outside of the camp boarders.

I burst into the big house where the counsellors were all debating who led the attack. There was a a long table with a few chairs that were tucked in and a few lying on their back. Everyone was up and yelling at each other all except one very petite Ezra, he sat there with a smug look almost as if he was enjoying the yelling. Ezra noticed me glaring and immediately began to pretend as if he was part of the conversation.

There was a board behind his head that had a map of camp pinned down on it. I immediately summoned a lightning bolt and threw it directly at the board behind Ezra. The bolt hit the board with 100% accuracy and it also caused Ezra to fall off his chair backwards. All eyes were now on me.

"Oops" I giggled childishly

"You almost blew my head off" Ezra yelled while climbing up off the floor.

"Almost" I mumbled to myself. I looked at everyone's expressions, they all had similar expressions. Shock. Their tattered shirts seemed happier than they were. "What are you gonna say that I tried to kill him too?" I ask cockily "Are you gonna banish me from Camp?" Annabeth opened her mouth to talk but closed it. Everybody was now seated once again. I stared at Jason, "How could you?" Tears began to swell in my eyes, which was so not like me at all. "Percy, was like the brother we never had" I pleaded.

Jason just gave me a sad and disappointing look "Thals, he has changed or at least he had changed, Percy tried to commit murder" he said in a hushed tone "That boy who was once our brother is no longer, he disappeared in the war."

My eyes could no longer hold back my painful tears of heartbreak, they came drooling down my cheeks. "That boy was my brother, you don't have any siblings anymore" I whispered. I sadly turned around and ignored Jason calling my name. I walked to the Artemis camp in a daze of depression, busy replaying all that had just happened in my head. Did I really just disown Jason? "Hunters, gather up" I didn't have to call because news travels fast and these girls are my family and they know when to and when to not listen to their lieutenant. "Hunters, we leave in at dusk and go and say your goodbyes because we won't be back for a while." The hunters all headed out in different directions chatting amongst themselves why I had made this discussion.

Thunder boomed in the background, obviously my father has heard the news, not sure which news thou. I strolled along the beach watching the Lightning strike. I found a spot that was far enough from the camp yet still in the borders. I watched the waves come up, curl and then crash into the water.

I understand why Percy is so calm because watching the sea is calming, I could just sit and watch it all day. That would be impossible. I have to find Percy and I am second in command to an immortal hunt.

A person came to sit next to me, I hoped it would be Jason but no it was Annabeth. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier" she whispers looking out at the sea.

"What are you sorry about?" I growl "The fact that I found out or the fact that I have lost my family?" My eyes began to swell up. Gosh what's wrong with my emotions today!

"Thals, you haven't lost everyone you still have me your best friend and Jason your brother" I could hear the sorrow in her voice

"No Annabeth, my best friend was Annabeth Chase, loving and loyal girlfriend to Percy Jackson and my brother was Jason Grace understanding and loyal friend to Percy Jackson now you are both and all those who betrayed him are the burden of Camp Half-blood" My tone would have made a lemon sweet, tears began to fall down Annabeth's cheeks.

I guess that was a bit harsh but I'm not going to apologize because they don't deserve my care anymore. I stood off and slapped all the sand off of me and left a tearful Annabeth to be alone with her tears.

"Hunters, we will set up camp here, look out for any figures"  The Hunters all went and did their allocated chores. Soon we had a campsite with a fire to cook our food on. We all sat quietly around the fire. "Sisters, I am sorry about what happened today, but that camp doesn't deserve our help" I spat "They are the reason Percy Jackson is no longer there, did anybody socialize with Ezra Leon?"

Our newest member Kelly raised her hand "I did, he flirted with me and claimed that Percy Jackson left because he couldn't stand being the second best demigod at camp" I wanted to kill that boy. He is the reason for the hunters hate towards the male species. "I don't like him" she growls.

"Thank-you and don't worry nobody likes that son of Ares, and he will pay repercussions, I swear on the river Styx" I vowed.

I vowed that and to clear Percy Jackson's name.

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