The road to forgiveness-Part 2

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The bags under her eye were dark. Her skin was pale and her eyes were red. She sat in a lounge chair looking blankly out the window. Her room was dull as only the light beside her was on.

Paul sat behind me with Andy in his arms. Paul pushed me with his free arm. I didn't budge. Words flew through my mind, as I tried to think of possible things I could say to my mom.

Andy began to cry, diverting my mom's attention from the window to Paul to Andy to Me. My moms eyes teared up as she looked at me. My mom opened her mouth but before she could say anything I put my hand up to stop her from whatever apology she was about to say.

"Mom, I'm sorry." I began, "I'm sorry that I let my anger control my emotions, I'm sorry I caused you to go into such a state that you were in, I'm sorry that I suck as a son" I cried.

"Percy,you don't suck as a son, not many moms get to say that their amazing boy is the hero of Olympus" She sniffed. "Percy, I'm like this because I'm disappointed in myself, I chased you away when you needed me most and as for your emotions, we can only hand in our anger for so long before the bomb goes off"

This is why I love my mom. She is understandable and normally sees the bright side of things. Right now if asked how I was doing I would honestly tell you that I feel like once again the sky has been lifted off my shoulders, and let me tell you something that was heavy.

"Mom, you're amazing" I smiled. My mom stretched her arms out and like a little kid I rushed into her arms.

It felt good to be in somebody's warm embrace, especially my mom's. My mom held me tighter than ever before, my breath didn't breathe as easily while in this embrace.

"Mom" I whispered. Her grasp weakened but was till tight. "Mom, I know that this will probably anger you, but I need to go now"

Mom stopped hugging me and looked into my eyes, she placed her soft hand onto my cheek, "Always thinking about others Percy, no matter how angry" she smiled. "I hope that your next turn on your road to forgiveness is just as successful"

I took her forehead and placed and gentle kiss, "Thank you mom, you may not see it, you have always been my light home"  I smiled. "Now, I need to go, something is happening at camp, and I think that I can stop it"

I said my goodbyes and left once again. The sky was dark, the stars and the moon were out as I began to walk back to Rachel and the twins, this time I did not run as I was still recovering from my run here.

By the time I returned to our campsite the night had taken over completely. Rachel, Nathan and Kennedy all sat around a fire in silence.

"Hey guys" I greeted.

Rachel ran up to me and hugged me, "How'd it go?" She asked.

"Great, I guess, a part of me feels bad now for the state that my mom was in, but now we are probably going to be closer than ever before" I thought aloud. I looked at Nathan and Kennedy, "Sorry for leaving, I had to go make amends with my mom" I apologized.

Nathan smiled, "Perce, you went to go fix up your mistakes, we can't be angry with you." I was taken back by Nathan's sudden maturity these past few hours, it's like he's leaving his childhood and is on the path to manhood.

I looked at a quiet Kennedy, "Hey, I'm sorry for leaving"

Kennedy rushed up to me and threw her hands around my shoulders, "Perce, Nat is right, we can't be mad at you, but" she began "Is it true that you're going back to camp?"

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