Chapter 10

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Nivea Pov

I'm sitting in class bored as ever. Yes Sen and Keonna are texting me keeping me company, but I'm ready to go home.

"Excuse me fat ass you in my seat." I looked up and then back at my phone. "I know your fat ass hear me talking to you. What I gotta do? Put it in whale?" Some girl asked flinging her arms around like a maniac. I chuckled at her.

"I just simply dont have time for your shit today." She walked off stumping throwing a tempertantrum. Was all that necessary though? I'm really not in the mood. Jontè getting on my last nerve. He came home 3 in the morning one night and been mad clingy ever since. Always questioning me about shit.

From: Jay Bae

I dont see why you even mad! I should be the one mad. You been acting mad shady lately.

To: Jay Bae

Whatever Jontè. We'll talk about this later.

I put my phone away to concentrate on copying notes from my book. In the middle of writing down my notes I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn slightly and see some guy. I pay it no mind and go back to working.

"Excuse me ma." I turned all the way and got the surprise of my life. I'm no hoe, but if I wasn't with Jontè I would hop on that. Tall, chocolate and handsome. Curly hair with dimples. He smiled and I damn near died.

"Y-yes" I managed to say trying to look away from him. He licked his lips. Lord I need to get home asap.

"Do you h-"

"Niv!" I turn and see Trey standing in front of the class yelling my name. I stretch my eyes in embarrassment and surprise.

"Treyyyyy!!" I whine covering my face with my hands. He come over and sits on my desk. I look and see the teacher turning red. Oh my God why!

"Don't act like you ain't happy to see me! Anyways I came to-" My teacher cut him off

"Excuse me Sir! Who may you be? Your inte-"

"Uh yea, hold that thought. I'm talking to my lil sister." He said holding up his finger the putting his attention back on me.

"Trey what are you doing here? How the hell did you even get in!" I whisper yelled at him. I turned to see ole dude listening intently.

"I'm bored and I dont feel like being home with Rico and Jontè. Ke is out of town visiting her mother. Please Niv!" he said with the puppy dont face. Wait! Did he really come here for that.

"Trey Marik Johnson I know damn well you didn't come here and interrupt my class just for that! Whatever. I'll be home after this class." These niggas messing up my education. Don't get me wrong I hate this place, but I need to maintain my 4.3 GPA. Being at home with them mofos ain't gone help me do that.

"Thank you. That's all I wanted." He got up gave me a kiss on my cheek and headed for the door. "Okay dunlap its all yours." he said slapping my teachers stomach and walking out. I gasped in surprise and the class was dying laughing. Ke has her hands full with this one.

Twenty minutes later the bell rang and it was time for lunch. I right nicely walked my black ass out that front door. Ms. Davis Williams ain't gone miss me. When I got outside the dude from my last class was outside cooling on the steps. I seen Trey from a distance waiting for me at the car.

"Hey ma can I holla at you for a second." He said standing up. When he got to his feet good, this child is tall. Tall as hell may I add.

"The name's Nivea, but yea wassup?"

"Well Nivea I'm Raashad, and I was wondering if I could get your number. I'm new here and I could use some friends." He said looking around scratching the back of his neck.

"No" I turned to see Trey behind me with a mug. I elbowed him in his side but he didn't budge. He just looked down at me.

"Yes." I said smiling

"No." I looked at him like he was crazy. Ole dude just stood there with a raised eyebrow looking confused.

"Nivea no."

"Trey I said yes." I stumped my foot and crossed my arms.

"And Im saying HELL no...Nivea." I can't believe this right now. Its not like I'm saying yes to a relationship with the boy.

"Yes That's fine with me." I handed him my phone. Ignoring Trey.

"You take that phone bruh and imma break it and your wrist." Trey said crossing his arms.

"I'm calling Ke on yo ass." I said finding my dial pad.

"Bruh iight whatever. But I better not have any problems out of you." He said eyeing Raashad before walking away with a mug. I shook my head at him. I'm not putting up with him today. Should keep my black ass at school.

"Sorry about that, that's my bestfriend/brother. He's my boyfriend's friend." I handed him my phone and I took his.

"So you got a man. Well lucky for him I'm only looking for a friend right now." I looked up at him and he was biting his lip. Is it bad I blushed at his sexy ass? Yes? Oh-fucking-well I did. I took my phone and started walking away.

"Text you later!" I said heading for the car.

When I got in the car me and Trey had a staring contest. I pointed my finger in his face.

"Don't start no shit." I said with my finger still in his face.

"I'll bite that shit off if you dont get it out my face. I'll start Whatever I feel like starting...You just lucky I dont feel like it right now." He said starting the car and heading for the house.

"I want some icecream." He sighed and turned in the direction of a icecream shop.

Welll lol here's your update. Its not much, sorry but people interrupt me when I be trying to update. I have class tomorrow and I promised I would update this weekend.

~What yall think Jontè was doing?

~Y'all like Raashad? Too early to tell huh?

~Trey need to stop his mess lmao.

~Team Natural or Team Relaxed?

~Sneakerhead or Stilettos?

~August Alsina or Trey Songz?

Lol I wanna get to know yall better.

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