Chapter 3

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Alex's POV:

"Ouch!" Andy let out a noise. His mouth nearly touched mine when it was ended. I wanted him to kiss me but why did he stop?

"What the hell do you think you are doing to my sister eh? No body treats her like dirt" he hit Andy again.

HARRY! I screamed at him. STOP! LEAVE HIM ALONE! I LOVE HIM! Andy picked me up in his arms. He whispered into my ear.

"Alex, everything will be ok.i love you babe. Let me sort this out." He kissed my ear. He was so smooth with this.

"Don't lay a hand on her boy!" Harry yelled again pulling me away from the strong arms of Andy.

"Listen mate. It's ok. I was never going to harm your sister I..." Harry cut him off. "Then why did you go to rape her? I saw you. You moved in slowly kissing her.

Only for me I could have become an uncle!?" Harry was being stupid. I trusted Andy he wasn't going to do that.

"Harry! Stop it now. I am 17. I am mature. I was never going to rape your sister. I love her. I was asking her out! That's all. How many girls have you had sex with? Have you ever talked to them again?"

Andy was right. Harry was a bad boy when it came to love. Andy was mature. Harry stared at him he had no words.

He knew Andy was right. He just didnt want me to have a life. Harry. Leave me and Andy alone. For once in your life let me make my own desicion.

He gave Andy a look. He pulled me away dragging me home. Not saying a word. He was like my mother.

I looked back at Andy. His eyes filled with tears. He knew he'd never see me again. But no. I was going to change that.

Andy's POV:

Harry. I thought he was a nice bloke. Obviously not. This is stupid. He thought I was going to rape her? No way! I'm never going to get her alone again never mind see her.

This is like Romeo and Juliet. Maybe it will work out though. Wait! I have to find out where she lives. I'm going to follow them.

Harry's POV:

I dragged her in. I slammed the door behind us. Maybe I was being a bit over protective. But what could have happened?

I Alex's eyes filled with tears. Her mascara dripping and her make up smudged. That wasn't andys doings, that was my fault.

I didn't feel like shouting at her. I didn't want to upset her anymore. I wasn't going to let her see him anymore. I was taking her phone too.

"Hey! Don't take my phone? Harry. Wh-wh-what are you doing?" No Alex I can't have him texting you. You ate grounded too.

"What do you mean?" You will not be allowed out to see him or anyone. Even Jess. Her face dropped. She slammed her bedroom door behind her. Did I take it too far..?

Alex's POV:

Harry was such a bully. He took everything I had away from me. This wasn't fair. I heard a knock on my window. I looked out. It was andy!

He waved. I waved back. I opened the window. "Hey al!" Andy how did you find me? "I followed Harry." Oh Andy.

"C'mon. Climb down I have to bring you to my gaff." So I climbed down. He took my hand and we ran. If we were caught we were dead.


That's my 3rd chapter done! Please vote:) x


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