Chapter 6

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Andy's POV:

Where were they taking me? What had I done wrong? I didn't go to Alex's house and kidnap her. Harry was out of line.

The police pulled up. It was 2:30 in the morning. It was a clear night and the stars were visible in the sky.

"Out ye get." The police man pulled me out of the van. He lead me to the jail. They weren't going to put me in a cell were they?

He led me through a huge hall with cells on either side of me. Filled with criminals in orange over alls. "Here's your cell and your over alls."

The officer threw some suit at me and locked the cells iron grill. I turned around to see a dark figure standing in the corner of the cell. I couldn't see it's face.

"Vas happenin'?" It said. I was scared out if my wits that it was going to beat me up. N-n-nothing r-r-really y-you? I replied shaking with fear.

"Nope nothing." It said. "Zayn, nice to meet ye." It stuck out its hand. Andy, nice to meet you too. We shook hands.

He came out of the dark. I recognised his face but I couldn't think where. I dared ask, are you from one direction? I trembled. "Woah man calm yo tits! Yeah I am! Stop shaking!"

He seemed sound. Haha ok! We got talking. He was telling me about his world tour with the boys and all the new singles and all that.

Then I remembered Harry. He probably told all the boys about me and Alex. Shit what if zayn found out who I was? Oh dear god.

"So anyway I was at a disco tonight when I got a text from harry." I knew it was coming he was going to tell me wasn't he?

"His little sister had been kidnapped. He was telling me and Niall one of the days that his sister had met some bloke at the fair and was raped by him."

What! That's crazy! I tried to play along. It didnt really work. "Harry caught him and grounded Alex. But he kidnapped her and she's missing. He said he'd text me."

That's awful, I commented, but I really doubt he would have kidnapped her. They probably just went for a walk..

Zayn looked at me funny. I tried to avoid eye contact. I had a feeling he knew who I was.

"So Andy, why are you here?" Well, um, you see... I didn't know what to say I decided I'd make up something.

There was a girl being raped by some syco on the street and I saved her. But she fell in love with me. She started to kiss me and I tripped over a bin and fell on top of her....

I had called the police to come and arrest the syco but he ran away. From the polices view it looked like I was the syco raping her.

So they got the wrong idea so here I am. "That's not fair man. Least you got a kiss. Was she hot?"

Eh to be honest no. I have someone se on my mind anyway! "Who who tell me tell me!"

Ok just a bit though.. Well she's 15. She's so pretty. She's down to earth and sweet! I loved her as soon as I saw her. I knew she had to be mine.

I just wanted to call her mine. She was funny. Her lips were soft... Her hand fits in mine.He cut me off

"like it's made just for me but bare this in mind it was meant to be.."

We chatted on about girls and stuff. I then asked him why he was here.

"Well I was at a disco and hooked up with this really hot girl. She wanted to go all the way so I agreed. I was a bit drunk at the time.

So when i went outside to get her somewhere private I thought someone else was her and couldn't understand why she wasn't doing it. It was a total stranger and she reported me."

We finally got to sleep after a long conversation about things... (Yeno)...

In the morning zayn was released but I wasn't. They told me I was going to court. What? Court?! Oh no. I really was never going to see Alex again.

Harry was dead...


That's my 6th chapter done! Sorry about chapter 3 if its a bit messed up with the &quote thingys I'm really sorry. Forgive me and enjoy the next chapters! :3

~Kate~ xx

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