Love at first sight

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(A/N: The photo is of Alice King)

Alice's POV

My alarm going off in my ear waking me up from my light sleep. I sat up turning off the alarm letting my long dark brown hair fall past my shoulders. I wiped my eyes then started to get out of bed but before I do I was tackled by my older brother Nathan. "Nathan you bitch get off me," I yell at him. He got off me and yelled, "time to get up!" I screamed from the top of my lungs, "DADDY!!!" My father came in his blonde hair all over the place, "what's wrong baby?" I looked at Nathan, "he punched me daddy..." I started to cry, fake of course but daddy doesn't know that. "Nathan go find Kyle haven't seen him in awhile. Also leave your sister alone." He walked out of the room with Nathan behind him. I walked to my closet to look for something to wear for the first day at school. I took out my black skinny jeans with my black and blue Nikes and my black socks. After putting them on I found my favorite shirt that is black with a picture of a pig and chick on it with a plate of bacon and eggs on it, then at the top it says 'horror movie'. I went down stairs after changing to see my dad reading the paper and my mum cooking bacon and eggs. "I got to go to school now love you daddy, I love you too mummy." I started to walk out the door only to be stopped, "Alice come back here we need to talk to you." My dad came to me giving me car keys, "here baby happy birthday." I pulled him into a hug, "thanks daddy." I walk out the door again to see that daddy gave me a black Ferrari 458 spider with red leather seats. I got in turning on my new baby turning the radio up and reversing out of the driveway driving to school.

I arrived at Winters Academy, I see my best friends Oliver, Shane, Shaun and Timothy. Oliver is 5 ft 8 with short black hair, hazel eyes. Shane is 5 ft 8 with short light brown hair, blue eyes. Shaun is 5 ft 10 with short dark blonde hair, dark brown eyes. Timothy is 5 ft 8 with short light brown hair, blue eyes. "Well Alice you look as shitty as ever," Oliver said. "Oh go suck Kyle's dick!!!" I yelled at him, I stormed off into the school with the boy following after me. Then I bump into someone, I fell on my ass but so did the person I bumped into. "I'm s-s-sorry I-I-I-I d-d-didn't l-l-look w-where I-I-I-I was g-g-going..." the girl studded. I looked up to see her face that was hidden in her hair, her hair was a light brown that could almost past for blonde but her eyes were the opposite being a rich dark chocolate brown. I went to brush the hair out of her face when Oliver come to stop me, I snapped out of my trance then looked at her once more before leaving. As our eyes met I knew that I could not live without her in my life, "hi..." I said breathlessly. "S-s-sorry, m-my n-name is-s T-T-Taylor," I started to reach for her as Oliver coughed I pulled a piece of her light brown hair behind her ear, "Hi Taylor, I'm Alice." With that Oliver started to drag me away while my dragon whimpers.

See around 500 years ago my family killed a very powerful witch family but one survived and that one witched cursed us to become monsters. My family and I became dragon shifters. We have the ability to become a dragon and the flame and everything. We also get a mate and once we connect eyes we know we can be without them unless it is for their safety and it appears I just found mine, Taylor. Flame was going off her head, oh Flame is my dragon inside my head.

"What were you thinking Alice you know you can't show the students your sexuality." Oliver whisper-yelled in my ear but I didn't care all I wanted is her, "I don't care anymore get me back to her..." I whined, "Alice get ahold of your self, first they can't know your gay, second they can't know you mated the new girl." I whimpered, he took me to get our schedules. When we arrived we greeted Mrs. Collins, "hey Mrs. Collins how is your wife?" she looked up from her computer screen, "Very good Alice thank you for asking, here are your schedules. I looked at mine:

First - History with Miss. Collins

Second - English with Mrs. Collins

Third - Free period

Fourth - Math with Miss. Evangeline

Fifth - P.E. with Mrs. Stewart


Sixth - Art with Miss. Flinch

Seventh - Science with Mr. Avocados

Eighth - Ancient History with Mrs. Collins

I looked to Mrs. Collins, "It appears I have you wife as my teacher in multiple classes Mrs. Collins." Then I looked at Oliver's schedule and he has no classes with me. "Sorry Ollie you have no classes with me. Oh Mrs. Collins can you check someone's schedule for me please?" I pled, "Who is it?" she asks, "She is new her name is Taylor, I didn't catch a last name." She looked at the computer screen then looked back up at me handing me a freshly printed piece of paper, "Her name is Taylor Homes she is 17, just moved from France to live with her aunt here in Phoenix because her mother got arrested and her father died years ago. So why do you need to know about her?" Mrs. Collins was not like the other teachers or stuff, she is in her late 20's and understands my drama. "Um... uh... you know... um... well... um" I babbled on, "Alice here is attracted to her and now she wants to be near her and get close to her while thank god i'm not in her rooms." I gave Oliver a death glare, then looked at her time table to see she has all her classes with me except one which is P.E. but she is not to far away because she has Swimming with Couch Lee. I started to day dream or something because Oliver started to chuckle, "thinking about her are we," I hit his arm then stormed away.

As I was walking to first period I bumped into someone again but as I look up I see Taylor, oh my beautiful Taylor. "Hello again Taylor," she looked down this time we are closer, I reached out tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, "s-s-s-sorry again for the b-b-bumping into e-e-each other." I giggled whispering as I got up, "your cute when you stutter." By now the halls are empty, "n-n-no I-I-it's not," I pull her closer to me, we look eye to eye because we are the same height or a millimeter or two apart. "Trust me it is cute," she glances at my lips then at my eyes. "Taylor?" she looks at me again, "can I kiss you?" she nod as I lent in capturing her lips on mine. I felt electricity going in between us while fireworks were going off around us, like there was just Taylor and I. I moved my hands to her waist while hers go around my neck bring me closer. Then someone coughs making their presence known.

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