District 1 girls reaping

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Azuele Nighting

"Don't I just look amazing!" I squeal flipping my curly blonde hair over my shoulder. My maid silent as an avox, nods her head. "I have been waiting for these games forever. I just know that I'm going to win!" I gush, applying more mascara.

Walking away from my mirror, I throw open the large doors to my wardrobe and start digging through my shoes. I start to hum the national anthem as I pull out more and more shoes.

"Here they are!" I exclaim as I pull out a pair of sparkly white wedges. They are all the rage in the Capitol right now. Slipping them on, I stand up and smooth down my poofy pink dress. I apply one last little bit of lipstick before I open my bedroom door.
"Wish me luck maid!" I shout over my shoulder. I really should learn her name but that's not important right now. Or ever really.
The hallway is just as crazy as ever as I skip out the door. People shout orders to eachother. "The mayor needs this! His wife needs that! Catch the dog!" They say as a loud bell chimes.

"Its time!" I squeal.

Outside the smell of dirt and smoke fills my nose and sky is full of smoke. I think the forest caught fire again but I don't care. "Hey Auzie don't you look pretty!" A voice says says behind me.

His soft hands cover my eyes and I giggle. "Hi Mason!"

His hands turn me around and give me a big hug. I gaze into his brown eyes and kiss his cheek. He links arms with me. "Ready to win the games m'lady?" He asks as we walk into the town center.

"And now for the two names of the lucky girls going into our games this year!" Our escort Razzy Dazzle shouts. I just love her curly purple hair.

A large glass bowl stands in front of her full of so many names and I know I'm better then all of them. Razzy's long colorful nails dance around the bowl looking for her new prey.

She opens her mouth to shout the name as I scream, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" the crowds part as my heels click through their silence.

"My name is Azuele Nighting, I'm 17 years, and I'm going to win these games!" My voice echos across the crowd. "Well, well, well our very first tribute of the 175th hunger games." Razzy says very brightly,"let's see who our next lucky girl is."

She reaches to the bottom of the bowl and draws out a name. "Duchess Yang!" From the 14 year old section comes a girl that I can honestly say scared me.

Her deep purple eyes seem to dig into my soul. Her black jacket, spiky boots, and dark makeup give her an ominous look. She strides confidently up to the stage.

Duchess glares at me as my father makes a final speech. I wave and blow kisses to crowd but Duchess just calmly walks through the doors.

Duchess Yang you may be from my distrcit but I will kill you. Because you are no match for me, but neither will any of the others tributes for that matter.

(Sorry guys that its been like 3 monthes since ive updated, but I hope that you like this chapter. If you have any ideas for some characters id love to hear them. <3 MusicQueen14)

Roses in the Rain: The 175th Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now