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Prologue - Lies.

"Claire Kim," the teacher said, "could you please report to the principal's office? Thank you." Claire hastily stood up, packing up her things, and shoving them into her black, Roxy bag. "Why? What for?" she snapped, throwing her bag over her shoulder. The teacher sighed, "Just... go. You'll see why," Claire raised an eyebrow and shuffled out of her chair, narrowly dodging her classmates. "Anyway, continuing..." The sound faded away as Claire walked out the classroom, and further down the corridor.

She was deeply confused. Sure, she had gotten detention a few times, but she didn't think that was enough to be sent to the principal's office (other people have gotten detention before too, you know!) ; and she hadn't done anything since school had started. Basically, she was being sent to the office for no apparent reason. Claire mentally debated whether or not should she take this perfect opportunity to skip school, or be a goody-goody and actually pay a visit.

She finally decided to skip, only she had already reached the door of the office, and heard a familiar voice. Mom, she thought. What is she doing here?

Claire leaned into the closed door, attempting to eavesdrop. "I just don't feel she's not getting maximum results, Mrs Hopkins."

"I understand. With what's happened, I wouldn't think she would be able to concentrate, as well." Claire scrunched up her brow; she was completely lost here. She did get maximum results! She didn't get a single C for her report, and even had a private tutor! Whatever was the problem, she wanted to find out now.

"Claire should be here by now," her mom said worriedly. Claire grit her teeth, and reluctantly walked in. "Mom! Hi, what are you doing here?" she lied breezily, baring a fake grin.

"Sweetie... There's something very important we have to tell you." Both their expressions were solemn. "Why? Is something wrong?" she asked anxiously, her grin dropping. "Your father and I.... divorced."

Claire's heart fell. "What?! Why?!" she shrieked, digging for the answer. "Turns out that he's been having an affair," her mom said bitterly, as if she was replaying a bad memory. "With who?"

"Brenda." Claire's eyes widened; Brenda?! The Brenda who's been family friends with us for twenty years?!

"That... That can't be!" Claire begged, her heart collapsing. Her father was such an innocent, and sweet man... Well, used to be. "We're moving away from him in the holidays, and that's two weeks away. I've filed the divorces and everything, so please start packing after school. Thank you, Claire. You can leave now,"

Claire simply nodded, and walked out, dazed as can be. We're leaving...


Ahh?! Sorry for its shortness!! DX And, yes. I have deleted 500 Days... X3 It started getting boring for me, and it didn't get any feedback. :D lol yeshu. Now, before you bash me up and say, "Oooh, you only deleted it because you copied it!!" Yeah. I didn't. If you saw that story on an account with the name "ni-umo" , you should know that that account was my old one.

No joke, okay? This isn't a lame excuse. And if you want to know what happened at the end... Well, I forgot. I had it written down on my iPod, though! I like to write all my story plans on my iPod!! XD "Unlucky in Love" , or "Stupid Cupid" was also written down on my iPod. = =''

No, this story wasn't. DX I just come up with random stories.... Oh, and now I remember what was supposed to happen in the end. Let me just say... Rachel ended up with Ashley. :D Yeshu. And they had, like, I don't know, zero kisses? Yeah. Yeah. A clean couple is a good one. :D Or maybe it just makes me feel uncomfortable when writing/reading about them... COUGHCOUGH. So yeah. Oh, and.... yeah. Please, please, PWEESE vote! DX I'm actually aiming to get votes on this one lolol. And don't ask me what it's about... Because I honestly don't know yet. O.o Though I highly doubt anyone will vote for this. :D Anyhoo...

Toodles. herp derp.

~May the rainbow always be with you~

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