Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Don't Touch Me! I Mean It!!

Claire received a text message the next day. At four in the morning.

She moaned and checked the number.


Hey babe,

Are you enjoying the-

Claire deleted it instantly, infuriated. Obviously, it was from that smarmy delinquent. Akito.

Now, thanks to him, she couldn't sleep. After she'd been woken up, she couldn't doze off. An annoying habit, really.

On second thought, she wondered, How'd he get my number? A few seconds later, she received another text message.


Um. Hi.

Sorry. I gave you-know-who your number. I couldn't help it. He was freaking threatening me. With a butter knife. It's a lot more serious than it sounds. You have no idea what a martial arts black belt can do with a butter knife. You'd be surprised. Anyway, I hope you understand, given the circumstances.

- R

Claire was only slightly mad at him. Rhys' grammar and butter knife excuse made her somewhat forgive him.

But who said she couldn't take revenge?


Who gave him my number, anyway? She pondered irritably, sliding her phone on her bedside table.

She rolled around in her bed, before deciding that the revenge was a stupid thing to suggest to herself.

Claire was way too lax.


Claire yawned, walking out into the open.

Probably not a good idea.

"Hello, good chap!" Akito greeted cheerfully, hooking an arm around her shoulder. Claire shrugged it off, glaring at him with murderous eyes.

"Don't touch me." She said, brushing off some imaginary lint from her shoulder.

chuckled, jumping in front of her and squeezing both of her cheeks. "Aww, you're so adorable! Why thank you, Akito! You're welcome," he talked to himself, while Claire struggled to get out of his pinch hold. "Don't. Touch. Me." She warned, scowling (but failing, since he was turning her cheeks upwards).

On the outside, they might've looked like a loving couple, joking with each other playfully.


was smiling while pinching her cheeks so they became red, while Claire was forced to smile and trying to get out of his grasp.

Where's your loving couple now?

A nearby student gasped - scratch that.

The whole School gasped and whipped out their cellphones, ready to spread gossip.

Claire could see it in big letters: Akito's new girlfriend is his split image!!

While she would just be standing, blending in the crowd looking at the words torturously.

"Anyway, I'll be off now. See you at the play rehearsal," he said, giving Claire a kiss on her cheek and walking off.

Claire froze like a terrified mouse. Had he just...? No. He couldn't have.

She screamed in frustration and ran to the girls' bathroom, washing her cheek with water.

She knew she was being immature, but out of all he people, it had to be him.


Claire despised cocky, arrogant people like him. Those kinds of people who thought they could do anything to anyone.

Those kinds of people who thought they were the Supreme Ruler of the World.

Those kinds of people who were determined to get anything they wanted.

No matter how dirty the tactics.

Claire gave her cheek one last cleansing splash before standing up straight, huffing madly. How dare he.


Sorry for the EXTREMELY late and short update!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2011 ⏰

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