Moments Make A Lifetime.

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* Chapter 2.

I woke up with a heavy head that morning. I had passed out on the couch itself last night.Stretching myself I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. I live alone so it isn’t a big deal if I sleep anywhere else , without changing my damn clothes and brushing my teeth.

“Shut Up!!!”,I scream out from my bedroom window.

Wow!! I’m definitely getting one of those moodswings I thought to myself as I screamed at my neighbour’s dog who was barking furiously at the tree. What’s with dogs and trees anyway I thought.

I stepped inside my bathroom and just as I looked into the mirror I received the shock of my life. My eyes had gone blue and puffy. I tried to recall last night but all I could remember was howling to myself and then going blank. Heartbreaks ain’t that easy at all I thought to myself.

**After a warm bath I head down to the kitchen and decide to bake a chocolate cake. I had promised Bianca that I would visit her so I might as well take her some. Well practically she loves them so it’s okay. I took out some flour,eggs,milk and everything else that was required. Then i prepared a dark brown batter,transferred it in the cake tin and put away the cake tin into the oven which was pre-heated to about 250 degrees. After an hour,I was busy icing the cake with chocolate cream and decorating it with cherries and sprinkles. I put the cool cake into the box ready to be taken away to my Bi’s house (yeap that’s her nickname.)

I was grumpy that morning but now I felt alright as I changed into my favourite denim shorts,a red and black checked shirt and ankle boots. I thanked the weather as it was sunny. I had to hide my puffy eyes behind my aviators I smiled. I grabbed the house keys on my way out once again. I didn’t need a my car keys, I’m gonna walk all the way to Bi’s.

I could feel the warm sun rays as I walked along the pavement listening to my i-pod in full volume. I am going to make this day as wonderful as ever i promised myself. Beyonce’s “Who Run The World” was on and I walked on humming and shaking my head.The passer-bys kept looking at me and just ignored them.

**After about 15 songs simultanously I reached Bi’s flat.

Before I even rang the doorbell Bianca opened it and grinned at me. I smiled and gave her the cake box before hugging her tightly. She’s that one person who really can cheer me up not matter what’s happening in my life.

“Chocolate Cake, my fave!”,Bianca exclaimed as she opened the box.

“I know Bi.”,I smiled.

She was happy and so was I. I sat on the couch as she brought in some coffee and the cake. We chatted happily again like small kids which we still were back in our heads.

“Anyway what’s with those sunnies?”,she said pointing towards my eyes.

“I just wanted to wear them today.”, I said. And we spoke no more about this topic but I know she knew it at that back of her head.

“Ohh by the way P ( Ahaha that’s me) I’ve got some great news.”,she said proudly.

“What?”,I blurted.

“I got an internship with Vogue.”,she exclaimed producing an acceptence letter.

“AHHHHHH….” We both screamed like crazy.

“Congratulations , I’m so proud of you babe. So when’s the joining date?”

“I’m joining from next Monday”,she replied beaming. Yeap that was her dream and I was so happy for her I even forgot to tell her that I had got into London’s Fashion University for a diploma.

“Well I got in LFU too.’,I said shyly.

“OMG, you just din’t tell that.”,she seemed shocked.

“Yeah!”,I smiled.

Then we both did some kind of happy dance and it was funny because we thought the penguins would be proud of us after that. That’s ‘us’ crazy and loveable.

*I look into my watch and see that it’s almost tenish. I had a quick meal of popcorns and some orange juice. I now decided that I’m never gonna be a sad,little kitten. So I put on some old classics andgrabbed a comb and pretended that I was some female popstar as I sang along,actually screaming along.

Just then the doorbell rings and I wondered who was it at this time. I run downstairs and open the door . Zayn stood there before me with a bunch of red roses which are my absolute favourite flowers in this whole wide world. I stood paralysed as I saw him smile at me.

Keep Checking for more.

-PoonAmazayn x

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