Moments Make A LIfetime.

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*Chapter 5.

Zayn stopped the engines and the car came to a halt.

"We're hereeeee!" Bi shouted with much zest and pushed open the car door with full force.

"Careful Bi." I hissed from my place.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"Guys the lads are all by that wooden platfrom so you all can go there. And in the meanwhile I'll get the stuffs from the car and come after aite?" Zayn suggested.

****Bianca and I walked on bare-feet,the sand tickling our feet and we were laughing like small kids again. The sand,sun,the familiar smell of the sea-water and the ever-blowing gentle breeze made my heart go light and filled it with excitement. Somehow i was feeling like a five year old who just got a big doll house. YEAP..just like that.

#The boys and Dani were already basking in the sun,sipping Lemonades when we reached there.

"Hi P,how are ya?",said Louis warmly. "I'm good,How are you?" I asked him "Same."

Niall,Harry,Dani and Liam also said Hi.

"Hey guys this is my bestfriend Bianca." I declared proudly.

"Hi Bianca." Everyone said in uinson

"And this is our bestfriend Dani." Niall added.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Bi said cheerfully. Everyone smiled and nodded.

(p.s : Meet Dani Coopers,the boys' bestfriend. She's an Australian who is now settled in London.)

------ "Hey! Hey!!!" Zayn shouted as he arrived to the spot carrying so many things at once.

"Hey mister!" Liam shot at him. "Inform us if you ever get late and can't make it to home,yeah?" He said.

Well he's like their Daddy so he's just like that.

"That's right!" Harry added flashing his dimples and taking the umbrellas and beach ball from Zayn.

"Hello  bestie!" He beamed at Dani who was seated between Niall and Liam.

"Hi Zaynie." She said standing up and giving him a teddy-bear like hug.

***We put the blankets down and now chatted happily... The boys were talking about their tours and how crazy it was. They spilled each other's secrets and we were all having a gala time. I had packed a couple of Strawberry Cheesecakes and some lemon iced-tea,so we sat under the umbrella shade eating and laughing.*****

"Hey lads,let's play some football!" Louis announced and everyone agreed.

"Babe i'll be back!" Zayn said and kissed me on the forehead. Harry said "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" and then everyone had a hearty laugh.

*Zayn hit him hard on the head.

"Oww baby that hurt." He sulked.

Everyone laughed again. These people are hilarious.

*******As the boys ran around,pushing,pulling each other kicking the ball at one another , the girls sat on the same spot cheering them and gossiping.

"So how long have you guys been best friends?" I asked Dani.

"Well I'm actually Liam's bestfriend.",Dani answered. "We've been friends since I shifted to Wolverhampton from Australia,when I was maybe eight years old?" We've been bestfriends since then." "But I've just made friends with the boys last year and now look I've five bestfriends. A promotion I suppose." She added cheerfully. Bi and I nodded and laughed.

"We're bestfriends since kindergarten.".Bianca added. "Yeap." I agreed.

"That must be way back then?" Dani smiled and i shook my head in agreemaent.

------------After an hour-------------------

"We're exhausted." Liam said approaching to the spot where we sat.

"I'm hungry again." Niall declared.

Everyone laughed because Niall spoke of nothing else but food. Zayn got everyone a Hotdog each from a shack and Niall sat happily between Harry and Zayn muching them.

**********It's dusky and the sun now looked like a big orange ball. The deep,green sea mirrored the sun as the sun descended downwards. The whole sky had turned orangish-red and the birds now returned to their habitats. The view was simply breath-taking and equalled to some scene found only in fairytales. We gazed at the sun until it had fully disappeared behind the green sea which stretched on for miles and miles. It was such a nice climax to a happy day.

"Hey guys the dinner's on me!" I declared

Niall clapped his hands and everyone looked at him and laughed till our eyes watered. A confused Niall sprinted along the waves after looking at everyone laugh at him.

Zayn and I walked along the beach,clasping hands and whispering sweet words of love into each others' ears. And everyone else walked ahead of us laughing and making loud noises.

**********I unlocked the frontdoor and welcomed everyone inside. 

The boys sat in the living area whilst Dani and Bi helped me with dinner.

We prepared Sphagetti and Meatballs,some Green salad and also striped bacon and tomatoes.

I handed glasses filled with crisp white wine to everyone and we all sat there again talking and laughing.

"Let's play Truth or Dare?" Harry suggested. But everyone turned down his suggestion as we were all pretty worn-out.

-----It was almost 8,so we decided to eat dinner.

The food tasted delicious and Niall gobbled it without even uttering a word. When the food was gone and the dirty plates were cleared away,i handed each of them a bowl of vanilla ice-cream and poured hot chocolate sauce over it.

*********After an hour or two,everyone was leaving.

The boys said a quick Goodnight and thanked me for the scrumptious meal.

"Thank you so much P. I promise to visit again." Dani said giving me a warm hug. "Sure Dani. I nodded.

"Awwww baby, ILoveYou and i'll visit you soon okay." Bi said and gave me a long hug and kissed me on the cheek. "Okay. Goodnight baby.LoveYou too." I smiled at her.

"Bye beautiful." Zayn said as he walked towards me. Everyelse had left and we were alone in the house now.

"Bye." I whinned. I din't want him to go but he had to go for he had to visit the studio early morning.

"Iloveyouhun." He said. "Iloveoyu too." I replied.

He exited through the front door after leaning into me and interwining his tongue on mine.

That was the sexiest kiss till date i chuckled to myself.

******A perfect end to a perfect day i smiled...*************

Hope you guys liked it...

Stay tuned for the next chapter again lovelies :) <3

-PoonAmazayn x

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