Elena and Kol: Hate and Love

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I was walking along street and suddenly I heard something so I turned. I saw some high, thin guy which was walking towards me.

'Hello my old friend!' I came closer to him to see his face better. He was...

'Kol!' From my scared face he could read everything what he wanted. For example - fear.

'I am glad I can see you again. I should thank Bonnie.' I was looking at him very confused.

'What has Bonnie done?' I asked myself and then I realized it. She's brought them back. She's brought back every supernatural creature in history. Previously apppeared on my face weak smile. Because that mean Jer, Rick, Jenna are back. But it wasn't important, because I had bigger problem. Before me was standing one of Originals which I killed with Jeremy.

'So Kol? How are you?' I wanted to be friendly. At least a little. As I asked him he smiled.

'I am fine, darling. And I hope you enjoyed your life without me, because now I'm here and I'm sure you know what waits for you.' I was just looking at him with poker face.

'Kol,' I stopped myself and then I continued: 'please don't do it. I know I killed you and I'm sorry but... You have to understand. We wanted that cure. Even your sister wanted it. And now you're here. Alive and...' he stopped me and started talk: 'Look Elena... I really don't care if my sister wanted that cure or not. And you don't have to apologize me. Or you can. How many times you want but I'm not gonna forgive you.' he smirked and I knew I have just few minutes. I looked down and then he continued with his words: 'And I was right. Or not? Now is every superanural creature back. That means vampire hunter too. So now we all will have just two big problems. Hunter will hunts us -that mean Connor too. And that another one is that all we've killed will be back with needs to kill us.' he smiles... Like he really doesn't care that every vampire, werewolf, witch, hunter which he's ever killed will want to kill him.

'Yep. You were right. And we were really stupid. And that second problem is our situation. But don't forget you wanted kill my brother.' I told him with hope he changes his mind.

'No. I didn't want to kill your brother. Damon did.'

'You compelled him.'

'Yeah but I didn't want kill your brother.' he winks at me.

'Fine this conversation is really bad so. Do you want kill me now or I'm gonna live 500 years running from you?' I looked at him and he just shruged so I turned back to him and slowly started walk. But he appeared beform me so I stopped and listened him.

'Darling, relax. I'd never kill you. I'm not Klaus. However we are brothers we got similar gens so I should be. I have deal for you. But your answer is yes... You'll be my Katherina. You look like her, I'm Mikaelson. Can you see that form?' his evil face could see people on other side world. Strange. I got still setting poker face even if I started imagine life like Katherine had. That was strange.

'Fine. But that's not fair. Katherine had cure, so she gave it to Klaus and he's setting her free. So? What will I do? With will I bribe you?'

'How sweet. I give to you 3 days to disappear. See you soon' he smirked and dsappeared. I stay there for few minutes and then I was walking to Salvatore's house. As I was walking to Salvatore's house I was thinking about Jer and Jenna and Rick. How would be it if they will be again here. Suddenly I heard my name.


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