In the memory of...

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Damon was holding me, because if he wouldn't I'd felll apart. I still couldn't believe it. It's been 3 days since Kol told me, Bonnie died. She didn't wake up. That's going to be okay... Maybe. One day definitely. I was looking at her headstone.

In the memory of
Bonnie Sheila Bennet
*22.2.1992 - †9.6.2011
Daughter and friend

I looked at Caroline. She cried as much as I did. Kol was so tolerant and let me stay for her funeral, but he had a stipulation: Damon will not run with me. I didn't told about this to Damon, because he would do whatever he'd accept as good anyway, so I decided not to tell him. I decided not to tell anyone. I did lay down the rose I bought her. Rest in peace, Bonnie. I walked next to Damon and Caroline caught up us with teary eyes, but she didn't cry.
"Guys, hey! I was thinking. Everyone from other side is still here, right? What if Bonnie was doing a spell to close the veil and..." she was so rapturous about it, like she actually wanted to tell us that we can bring her back, so I stopped her.


"No Elena, you don't even know, what I wanted to tell. I wanted to tell, that if we find another witch..." I know exactly what you wanted to tell! I was literally screaming at myself in my mind, but I wasn't able to say it loud.

"Caroline, she didn't wake up! We have no idea what happened and why Bonnie didn't come back." First sentense I just split out. I really wanted Bonnie back, but kinda I didn't wanted to live in illusion of hoping, that we will find the way how to bring her back.

"And that's why we need a witch, Elena!" Caroline shout at me and she was abducted, that I didn't wanted to help her or...Damon interposed.
"Shut up! Both of you!" He looked at me like I was the one, who made this squabble and I need to apologize. I sighed.
"Look, Caroline. If you find a witch, willing to find out what happened, call me." I didn't wanted to do this even harder so I turned around and walked away. Alone. I heard Caroline screaming my name. Damon stayed there. I was passing by grave of my parents. I halted. I looked at the headstone.

In the memory of spouses
Grayson Gilbert
*15.7.1968 - †23.5.2009

Miranda Sommers-Gilbert
*18.9.1972 - †23.5.2009
Rest in peace

"Leave me alone." I said to the space. Probably there was standing Damon or Caroline. The person was still there. I felt some man smell. Damon. I turned around, looking down."Damon, please, let me be. I know I wasn't supposed to tell something like that to Caroline but, I really don't want to live in illusion, that some day we can find the way how to bring her back." I looked up, with some tears in my eyes. My heart almost jumped out of me when I saw him. I turned back to grave. I felt how he was getting closer to me. I could hear his breath very clearly.
"Kol... Get away from me. Please." he was so close to me, that he was breathing on my skin. I shivered. Kol wasn't saying anything.

"Please, stop breathing on my skin." I turned to him. We were standing face-to-face, looking to each other eyes and if he'd move just a little we'd probably kissed. But he didn't.
"You know what it is still on my mind? What do you want to do when you will find me? Will you kill me? Will you torture me? You know what? Let's make a deal. Kill me now and we both will save carfare. Are you in?" I was looking to his eyes with stoney face and for exchange Kol was smiling, grining or whatever he was doing, it definitely seemed like he was having fun.

"Elena, Elena, Elena... You are never going to understand this, are you? I do not want to kill you or torture you. I want you to feel miserable. I want you to feel lonely, like there is no one in the world who could you talk with. I just simply want you to feel down and make you to feel afraid." he was smiling from ear to ear like jerk. I just shaked my head and looked around. My sight flopped on Jenna's grave. Why I still haven't seen you? Where are you Jenna? I need you. I need you and your advices.
I noticed that Kol was looking my way on Jenna's grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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