Chapter 1

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Background info: 17 year old teenaged boy (picture of him in header) named Maleek Corday Jones, 6'1, is a drug dealer and he's on top of the game. Although, he has a child & he grew up on his own with his older brother & older sister so he's the last one. He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia & His baby mom is a Hoe and her life is all fucked up. Maleek has no one but his daughter & takes her to daycare every morning before he busses some jigs. But once he lays his eyes out of this new girl from school, he just can't seem to take his eyes off her.. Read more to find out if this new girl from school becomes his or not. 😇

Maleek P.O.V:

"BEEP! BEEP!" My alarm kept going off & it was time for me to get ready for school and take my baby girl to daycare. I'm so glad that today is Friday. I went over to Payton's room to wake her up and get her ready for daycare. Payton is only 4 years old & she's really smart for her age. "Payton baby, wake up. Come on, let's go get ready" I hate having to leave my little princess at daycare, I'd rather spend the whole day with her myself. "Daddy, I tired" I know princess, but you have to get ready okay? After daycare I'll take you to the park so you can play. Now come on"  I took Payton to the bathroom & gave her a bath and then I brushed her teeth. "daddy you too" I grabbed my tooth brush & brushed my teeth with her. "Alright, now let's go find what your gonna wear today" I twin daddy" Payton loves to twin with me so I decided to match our outfits together just for my little princess. ❤️ 
I threw on my white & red Tshirt that said "that's my daughter" with black jeans & my bred 11s. Payton had on the same exact thing except her shirt said "That's my daddy" You ready Pay?" Yes. "Okay let's go" I grabbed her lunch bag and grabbed my keys and left.
We finally reached her daycare. "Behave princess. I will pick you up later and I will take you to play at the park okay?" Okay daddy. I wuv you. "I love you more" I gave my little princess a hug & let her go. "What time will you be getting her?" asked Ms.Tracy "Around 3:00" Alright, have a good one. "You too"
It was 9:30 & I was one hour late to school but that's fine because they know what I have to do every morning so it's not a problem. I drove to school and went off to class. "Maleek, you're here, finally" Yeah sorry I -- "it's okay, I know. Just take a seat"
School is over and now I have to go get Payton. While I was leaving school, I saw this girl just staring at me. "Hey ma, you need a ride?" Nah, I'm good. "You sure, I can drop you real quick. Where you stay at?" I live right around the block. "Come on shawty, I can drop you." My name is Keyera (Kee-Air-ah) but thank you. I just laughed and let her into my car. She was about 5'5 & she was lightskin and had curly hair. "So you from round here?" No. I'm new here so I don't really know anybody. "Oh okay. Well nice to meet you Keyera, I'm Maleek." Nice to meet you too. You stop right here, my house is right there. "Okay, you don't mind if I get your number do you?" I handed her my phone & she put her number in it. "I will call you tonight." Okay.
I was just on time for picking up Payton. "You ready baby girl?" Yes. "Okay let's go" I took my princess to the park for a little bit so she can play. "Daddy, come pway" I put my keys & my phone in my pocket & went to go play with Pay. "1...2...3...7....8....10!" I find you! It's so cute when Payton tries to count during hide and go seek. I tickled her while she was on the ground & picked her up & dusted her off. "Daddy I tired" Okay, we're going home now. I carried my little princess and took her to the car and drove home.
I got home & put Payton to bed. It was only 5:30. We didn't spend long at the park so I'm sure she will be awake by 8:00. I took a shower & changed into my shorts & a Tshirt. I cooked up some fried chicken, with rice & some beans. Yeah you know me, I can cook. I made sure the food was ready by the time Payton gets up. Everything was done & I decided to relax & call up Keyera. "Hello" Hey Keyera, it's Maleek. "Oh hey.. What's up?" Nothing, just got done cooking. Wyd? "Awe that's nice, and nothing just doing homework, Chillin" That's wassup. Aye by the way you can call me Leek for short. "Okay and you can call me Keke for short." Hours and hours went by and we were still on the phone. "Okay well I got to go. I'll text you in the morning." Okay, goodnight beautiful. "Goodnight Leek"
"Daddy, I hungry" Payton came to me while rubbing her eyes. "Bout time you wake up princess" I sat her down at the table and gave her food & poured her a little bit of apple juice. I watched my little princess eat & waited until she was done.
"All done!" Did you like it princess? "Yes" okay good. Now go sit in the living room and watch some tv before its time for bed. It was 9:30 & I saw Payton laying on the couch sleeping. I went to go grab a cover & I picked up Payton & laid her on my chest & covered her. I love my little princess to death. 💙

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