Keyera P.O.V
I left Maleek's house last night so I can go and clean up my house and get my clothes ready for school. I woke up to my phone being blown up and it was from Leek.
Text Messages:
Leek: Hey babygirl, wake up. It's time for school.
Leek: I miss you laying next to me.
Leek: Wake up baeee.
Leek: Let me know when you're ready so I can come pick you up.
Leek: I'm dropping the girls off at Day Care
Leek: I love you baby, don't wake up late cause you know how long you take just to get ready.
End of Messages
I love this boy man, I swear he's my everything. I got ready and did my everyday hygiene. I just threw on something simple and put my hair in a bun. (Picture in Header) I called Leek and told him that I was ready to go. I fixed my bed and got my bag and my keys. I sprayed some perfume cause you know ya girl gotta get cute. My phone was ringing and it was Leek. "Hello?" Hey baby, I'm outside. Come on. "Okay, Im coming out." I got my stuff together and went out to his car.
We got to school and I texted the girls (triplets) to see if they were there. "Leek where are you going?" I'm going to the gym to talk to coach. Go to class, I'll catch up. We have all classes together so I can just get all the things that he missed. There was this one girl that kept looking at me but I just flipped my hair and payed her no mind. Leek came into the classroom and sat behind me. I gave him his notes that he missed. "Keyera, do you know what the answer is?" asked Mr.Potter. No I -- "She was giving me the stuff I missed Mr.P, my fault." said Leek. I just smiled and that girl that kept staring at me laughed. "Ain't nothin funny, you dirty mole rat." I heard Maleek mumble that under his breath but I threw a piece of paper at him so he can stop. Mr.Potter started handing out papers and the girl that got a staring problem got out her seat and walked over by me and Leek. She poked her butt out and reached for the tissue box. She smiled at Leek and he started laughing. I was hella pissed and just ignored Maleek for rest of the day, even though he is in all my classes.
Maleek P.O.V
Keyera started acting different towards me but I don't know why. We were at our last class of the day before school ended but it was study hall. "Wassup with you? Why you actin like that" She just ignored me and was scrolling through her twitter feed. I snatched her phone away from her and she gave me a mean mug. "Baby what is wrong?" Nothing. Why don't you go ask that girl you was laughin with earlier. "Wowwwwww. You wanna wait until now to tell me?" Yup. Now can I have my phone back. "No. Fix your attitude, you know I dont know or like that girl so wrap it up. We not bout to argue over some dusty bitch that I dont give a fuck about." She started smiling. "That's my girl, now give me a kiss." I gave her back her phone and we started working on our homework together.
School was over and we met up with the boys and with the triplets. We all went to McDonalds to eat over there before we went back to the crib. "Leek, there's a party at Big Trey's house this weekend, we in there or no way?" said Jachai. I looked at Keyera who was giving me this look. "I mean yeah if my girl wanna go then yeah we in there. You wanna go Keke?" I asked her. Yeah we can go, it doesn't matter. My cousins have to go too tho. "Yeah we in there sis" said Talia. "So Big Trey's house is the moves this weekend" Jachai said. We all was hype & then we all went home. "Aww shit, Keke we gotta go get the girls from Day Care." I got my keys and threw away my food. "Ight my boy, I'll see ya later" I dapped my crew up & left with Keyera.
Talia P.O.V
Keyera & Maleek left to go get Mariah and Payton from daycare. Me and my sisters were still at McDonalds with Jeremy, Jachai, Donté & Travis. The rest of them went home. "Do y'all need a ride home?" said Jeremy. Yeah, can one of y'all drop us? "Nah B, get the walkin" said Jachai. "Shut the fuck up before we start fightin." Asia said. I just started laughing & went to go sit with my boo Jeremy. "So you goin to that party this weekend?" He asked. Yeah... are you going? "Yeah of course, now that you are. I can't let you go & have niggas checkin you out" Okayyy baeee..
"Yo Jermz, we out. Ima drop y'all home & then Ima go to the crib & get some shit done" said Jachai. We all got up & left to get in his car.
Keyera P.O.VWe got to the daycare and Leek signed them out. "Mommy!" Payton ran up to me & jumped on me. "Hey babygirl, did you guys have fun?" Yeah! Can we get some Wendy's? I looked at Leek but he didn't say anything. "Well.. You gotta ask daddy and see if it's okay with him." Not today girls.. You guys are gonna eat lasagna with some fried chicken today. "Who's cooking that?" I asked. We are. He smiled and we walked off to his car. We were on our way home & the girls were asleep in their car seat. I was looking out the window & then Leek put his hand on my lap. I looked at him & moved his hands. "This is not the place & it's not the time." I'm gon get you, just know that, he said.
We got home & I put the girls in their room. Ziare was asleep on the couch. Me & Maleek started cooking for them until he took my hand & took me in the room. "What are you doing? We have --" Shhh, just relax baby. He pushed me back onto the bed & pulled down my pants. He started doing his thing down there & I was pulling on the sheets moaning loud. A/N: Y'all are not grown so 😛😂
-Talia P.O.V
Jachai dropped us off & Jeremy got out the car & followed me & my sisters. Asia & Cierra went in the house & I was outside with Jeremy. "You gon call me tonight?" I asked. Of course baby. "Okay, make sure you text me cause we have some homework we have to do" I'll just FaceTime you. "Okay, love you." He put his hands on my hips & kissed me. Bye babygirl, he said. "Bye" I walked away with a huge smile on my face.

Thugs Need Love Too
Teen Fiction17 year old teenaged boy named Maleek Corday Jones, 6'2, is a drug dealer and he's on top of the game. Although, he has a child & he grew up on his own with his older brother & older sister so he's the last one. His baby mom is a Hoe and her life is...