Chapter 10

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Jackson tears off a large chunk of flesh from the deers stomach, eating it like he hadn't eaten in days. Chewing the meat, he noticed something in the distance, a white blur. He gently rubs his face with his small black paw, looking over to where he saw the blur, seeing it had vanished. He stood on his four thin legs, looking around with caution. He turned his head towards a larger boulder, seeing a white arctic beauty stood leering over to the carcass, tilting his head at the young female who stood staring. The arctic wolf leaps off the boulder heading towards the carcass of the deer, this caused Jackson lowers his head, snarling as his ears fall back. The female stopped, hearing Jackson's snarl make her back up, her stomach growling. Jackson lifts his head, looking to the carcass then back to the female. Walking to the lifeless deer, he gestures the female to come over.

Jackson and the young female eat the deer together, keeping their distance. Jackson finished his share and allowed the female to eat the rest, sitting down as he licks his bloody paws, the female soon following his lead. He shook his fur, standing to circle the female. The female watched as Jackson circled her, her ears falling. Jackson greeted her with affection, rubbing his head against hers, letting out a soft grunt. The female decided to nuzzle him as he showed his affection for her. He finally sat down, staring at the female with his dark blue eyes.

The clouds flash with fury, the trees singing becomes out of tune. Leaves fly to defend, fighting off the wind. But are only carried away and shot down by the winds powerful blow. A gloomy cave sat in the distance, a fire lighting up the dark abyss like a firefly. Jackson sat inside, watching the fire as the flames painted his face with a glistering, golden, yellow glow. His smile was warmer than the smoothing heat from the flame. Jackson smiled at the young girl in front of him, she smiled softly back to him. She had short, fuzzy, dark orange hair; wearing a tunic style shirt and a buckskin skirt, with multicoloured bird feathers sticking out the side of her ancient tribal hat. They both smiled to each other, Jackson making small plats in her soft, flowing, ginger hair. "So, do you live around these parts?", She asked Jackson as he platted her hair. Jackson chuckled nervously, "Uh, well...I don't exactly live anywhere, i'm on a quest to find someone". The girl nodded, "Oh, so you left your home to find someone? Why?" She says as she turns to him. Jackson had his hands in the air, blinking at her question, "Uh- Uh, It's a- Long story really!". He scratched the back of his head, closing his eyes. She tilted her head in a confused manor. "Oh, You don't have to tell me, if it troubles you of course". Jackson sighs, soon having the nerve to have a conversation. With a girl.

Dawn, the sun brushes across the empty fields, blowing away the immoral, unwanted fog. The sound of soil being pressed deeper into the earth roams down the trail. A heavy draft blowing across the field like the sun's ally, the fog departing from the duel. Only a few tall ,slender, solders stood in the distance. They stood limp, frowning from their broken limbs. As the sun illuminates, as the breeze spreads across the battle field, the trees began to celebrate, waving their weapons. Kisses depart from the soldiers, laying down on the broken spirits that lay on the grass. The youth optimistically stumbles down the trail, carving a fresh scar in the ground, wielding a freshly broken weapon. His soothing carol echoed, travelling miles to reach the point of the teared hearted and creating a tenacious bond that won't ever be broken.

The sun finally reached it's breaking point, falling back into a long, well deserved rest. It's companion however rises to take it's place, not vigorous enough to push away the darkness, but still lusters beyond the meadow. They would think the darkness means danger, but the darkness is only overcome with a gift, given from the moon. A special blessing by the sweet Selene, driving her moon chariot across the heavens, sitting it with the twinkling balls in the sky that only seemed small to Earth.

Animals,people, other: older beings now rest, waiting for Selene to give them a chance of hope and forgiveness.

Writers note:

P.s: Selene is the God of the Moon.

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