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"Okay!" Luke exclaimed as he shoved a map of the zoo towards Journey. "What's your favorite animal? I like penguins."

"Then penguins it is."

"No!" Calum interjected. "Journey's leaving in two fricking days so she chooses. Plus, you always get to pick!"

Luke crossed his arms and pouted like an angry toddler, causing Journey to laugh.

"My favorite are the kangaroos, but I think we should start out with the penguins."

"But the kangaroos are closer," Calum began, narrowing his eyes at the blond across from him.

"But it's Journey's day," Luke mocked.

Journey laughed at her friends' foolishness and walked towards where she assumed the penguin were.

"The penguins are in the other direction."

Journey turned around and walked in the other direction.

"Right. I knew that."

"But they're all the way-"

"Calum! Luke paid for this shit so be respectful! Now, we're going to the penguins with or without you."

Calum grumbled under his breath and followed after Journey with a smile on his face. True to what Journey assumed Calum was going to say, the penguins were on the other side of the zoo, and Journey was just about to die of exhaustion as Luke very enthusiastically pulled her along behind him.

"C'mon, Journey! We don't have all day!"

"Yeah, we kind of do."

"Oh yeah. But you should still hurry!"

It was a sight to see--a six-foot-something guy pulling a girl behind him who was only around five foot eight. It was even stranger if you caught the other six-foot-something guy running behind them, waving around a map and yelling.

"Look!" Luke suddenly stops, making Journey run directly into his back. "Penguins! Oh my god, they're so cute!"

"But not as cute as me," Journey said smirking.

"Nope. They're way cuter."

"God, how are you so fast?" Calum asked, breathing heavily as he caught up with the duo.

"I dunno. Luke kinda dragged me over the entire time," Journey said, shrugging her shoulders. She looked over at the adorable animals again, understanding exactly why Luke loved penguins, "They are really cute. Can we get one?"

"I hope so. I would call it Peng."

"Peng the penguin?"



"Sometimes I wonder about you two," Calum muttered. "I thought Journey was supposed to be the responsible one."

Journey laughed and rested a hand on Calum's shoulder.

"I am the responsible one," she said, before hopping on Luke's back and singing the theme song of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

"To the kangaroos!" Luke shouted, probably terrifying the nearby children.

The three friends--technically two--ran to the other side of the zoo with giant smiles on their faces, gaining weird looks from bystanders. Just when they were just about to reach the kangaroos, Journey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Wait! Wait! Is that Harry?"

"Harry Potter?"

"No, you idiot. It's obviously Harry Styles."

"Oh my lord. You two are stupid. It's Ashton's little brother."

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