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"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Irwin?" Journey screamed as the tall boy threw her over his shoulder and carried her out of her house.

"I'm making sure you don't leave me."

Journey sighed in defeat, rolling her eyes and letting him carry her wherever he was planning on carrying her. After twenty minutes had passed, Journey was starting to get annoyed.

"Dude, my legs are falling asleep. Are you almost done carrying me around? I'm supposed to be packing right now."

"Which is exactly why I am carrying you to Macca's."

"Good thing I brought my wallet," Journey said, sighing as she closed her eyes and tried to ignore the awkward silence.

"Oh, look. Children," Ashton proceeded to set Journey down, where she straightened her shirt out and huffed at the Aussie in front of her.


Ashton simply smiled and grabbed the brunette's hand, gently pulling Journey into the fast food place. She let him drag her with a sigh, "Ashton, I have stuff to do. Important stuff. Like, I dunno, packing for Hawaii. Do you realize how much shit I have to return to Luke? He literally left half of his clothes there for no reason. None. Not a reason."

"I'll help you pack later. But first, we're getting some Macca's."

"Wow. I had no idea. It's not like we're currently waiting in line at Macca's or anything like that."

"What do you want?"

"Um, maybe some french fries...I'm not really hungry, so," Journey said, causing Ashton to stare at her as if she was the weirdest person he'd ever met--which might have been true, had he not been best friends with Michael, Calum, and Luke.

"How can you not be hungry?" Ashton asked, completely astonished.

"I ate a bunch of chicken nuggets right before you kidnapped me."


There was a silence between them as they took a few steps before Ashton said, "Well, now I want chicken nuggets."

After the friends had gotten their food, Ashton, being the gentleman he obviously is, paid for the food and even pulled Journey's chair out for her.

"I could've paid for that-"

"Shh, stop being a typical girl."

Journey gave him a look halfway between confused and offended, "Me? Typical?"

"You're about as typical as me."

"Which is the exact opposite of typical, Irwin," Journey remarked, finishing her fries, since she had practically inhaled them.

"Is your face from Macca's?" Ashton asked the girl, smirking slightly.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Because I'm lovin' it."

She felt her cheeks heat up lightly, "Cheeky, really. I'm flattered."

"Your cheeks agree."

This statement caused Journey's pink cheeks to darken to a more maroon shade.

"Quit being such a flirt, Irwin."

Ashton sent her a grin, "I would if I could."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I may actually miss you, and your annoyingness, when I move to Hawaii," Journey said, shooting a smile towards her eccentric neighbor, which caused Ashton to give her a sad smile.

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