[ dreizehn. ]

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After a long night of singing, eating, and acting like losers, Journey was completely partied out, not to mention slightly freaked out considering she had yet to pack all of her stuff.

"You're leaving in the morning?" Ashton asked, frowning; he knew the answer, but wished that by some miracle it would--and his wish was granted.

"Next day, actually. Meaning that I will, in fact, be able to watch you do your thing. Again. And not play Candy Crush the entire time."

At this, Ashton's face broke into a large grin as he gave his recently proclaimed girlfriend a large hug. "Best day ever! Actually, no, best day ever was when you moved here!"

Journey snorted and laughed at her boyfriend's cheesiness. "Can you help me pack?"

"But- I don't think you understand that I'm protesting your leaving, Journey. That's the exact opposite of protesting. That's encouraging."

"Hey, don't worry; I'm also protesting my leaving. It's just that protesting isn't going to help very much at this point in time. Now, can you put all these shoes in a box for me?"

Ashton groaned, trudging towards the shoes and then groaned again. "This sucks."

"Putting shoes in a box isn't that challenging, Irwin."

"Yeah, but you leaving is, Evans. You're the most tolerable neighbor ever."

"Well, hey, at least some annoying bitch won't become your neighbor whilst I'm gone."

"Thank God."

"Sorry, Irwin, I think you've got the wrong person. Shockingly enough, I'm not God. Gasp!"

"Oh hush."

Journey giggled as she sealed a box up with tape, nothing other than how superb her boyfriend was going to be in his band on stage running through her thoughts--not moving, not Calum kissing her, not even the aching worry of having to make all new friends and manage going to school in Hawaii.

"I'm really proud of you, Ash. You've got your first real gig tonight. Soon enough, you guys will be a world famous band and I'll just be lounging on my couch, watching Barbie movies all day."

"No, you won't. You'll be stuck on a tour bus with your three best friend's and your amazing boyfriend, traveling the world and having the time of your life with that world famous band. And it's going to be spectacular."

"Can we bring the Barbie movies?"

"I hope you're joking. I never go anywhere without my Barbie movies."

"How cute. Can't wait to tell Michael and Luke and-"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, we both know I would."

"Not if I threaten you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yeah? Watch me."

At this, Ashton roughly grabbed Journey, pushing her against a wall and placing a small kiss on her nose.

"I think you and I have different definitions of threatening, Irwin."

"Pft, you looked pretty horrified when I did that."

"I can do better."

"Go for it."

Journey grabbed onto Ashton's shoulders and flipped their position so that he was the one against the wall, giving him a rough but passionate kiss.

"Holy shit."

Journey grinned, "I win."

"Damn right you do."

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