Chapter 6

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(I sort of decided to stop writing this book but it was requested by a certain someone so for them I will continue writing it)


I lay in the hospital bed in what appeared to be an E.R. People were rushing all around me as Shade clung to my hand. I never felt pain when he touched me but it was excruciating when he let go. I was slipping in and put of consciousness unable to form the question that was consuming my mind-how was he doing this?

Just before the doctor came to inject anesthetic into me I pointed to my phone and mouthed "my brother" to Shade and a reassuring smile. He smiled down at me and knelt down whispering to me "I will always be here for you". My eyes then shut closed and my mind stilled.


I jolted back awake. My brother looked down at me with a worried smile on his face. I instantly looked around searching for Shade.
"he's not here" Joey said with a slightly annoyed tone.
I didn't have the time to question his problem with him, all I wanted to know was where Shade was. I was slightly annoyed at myself for caring so much about a guy I barely knew but I feel like I know him I just can't remember when.
"Where is he then" I asked as I propped myself up on the hospital bed.
"He gave me a ring and told me that there was an accident and hung up before I could ask anything else"
"And I wonder why that was, you know if you weren't so rude the other day I'm sure he would have explained himself"
"Crystal, he was gone when I arrived" Joey said getting more annoyed by the minute"and don't you think for one second that you are getting away Scot free, I want to know why you weren't in school and you were with the one person on this earth I told you not to be with" he spoke fast but he choose his words carefully.
"Where's dad?" I asked ignoring his questions. Dad would understand and take my side. Joey had no right to tell me who I could or couldn't see and I'm sure he wouldn't be too mad at me skipping school this one time
"He's at work. He came straight over yesterday when I rang him after your operation and stayed all night until I eventually convinced him to go home and rest. He'll be here soon though"
"Yeah you lost a lot of blood. Shade told the doctors you were having lunch and you fell back in your stool"
"Yeah that sounds right"
"So you were together having lunch, are you positive?"
"Yes I don't remember talking but I remember the burger"
"Of course you did" he chuckled causing me to push him playfully. "Look I know you like him but he's bad news, please try stay away from him"
"Joey he went to jail not prison and it was petty. Then we took a ride to the gardens and stopped on the way to get lunch. He's not bad news for god sake he brought me to the hospital and he rang you"
Joey just looked at me, his mind reeling, thinking. He was a smart guy, one of the best in his year. Decided to help dad out at home instead of taking a scholarship he got that only half paid the fees for medical school. Some day he said he'll go to university but no matter how much dad faught with him to go he wouldn't go. Dad could barely support himself never mind me as well. Joey trained as a carpenter and got himself a job as it was hard for dad being an archeologist now a days. The pay was low but Joeys job got us through.
Just then dad walked in. His face lit up when he saw I was awake.
"Honey, you're awake"
"Yup" I squeaked as he squeezed me gently with a big hug.
"How are you feeling"
" I'm good considering the situation" and gave him a half smile.
"Good" he looked at Joey "did they say when they are releasing her"
"Tomorrow hopefully " that sounded good to me.

We all chatted for the next few hours before they both left for the night not once bring up Shade or the accident.


It was nine when the nurse shook me awake for breakfast. I thanked her as she helped me sit up straight on the bed and left the room to help the other patients. Half way through my cheap marmalade toast someone knocked on my door.
"Come in" I presumed it was Joey even though he said he had work and would collect me around five in the afternoon. I don't know why but I was surprised to see Shade open the door. Ever since I woke up yesterday I wondered if he would come back. Even though I understood why he felt he had to leave before my brother showed up I still felt a little hurt.
"How are you" he akwardly asked slipping his hands into his jeans and leaning on the door frame.
"I'm fine... thank you for ringing my brother and bringing me here" I looked down in embarrassment only realising now that I was wearing my over sized London Grammar shirt I used as pajamas.
He looked behind himself at the corridor before shutting the door closed. We were all alone now. The walls blocking out the hospitals noise.
"What else would I have done" he gave me a half grin.
"I want to ask you about after I fell. I didn't feel any pain when you touched me" I blurted it out. I was scared he was going to think I was crazy but I had to ask.
"You knocked your head, I doubt you were very conscious of what you were feeling" he replied. Oh god I was going crazy.
"Oh sorry god yeah you're right" I scuttered. "That's so stupid of me"
Shade looked at me with sympathy.
"So when are you getting out"
"This evening" I said glad that he changed the subject. "After my brother finishes work"
I glanced up at the clock. It was ten.
"Shouldn't you be in school"
He shuffled in his seat lowering his beautiful blue eyes.
"Shade what's wrong "
"Tell me I know there's something up"
"people have just been talking that's all"
"Various things"
"I feel like I'm trying to squeeze water from a stone, please tell me"
Shade looked me over "I suppose you should know. Its just that some people are saying we are dating and I pushed you and others are saying that I kidnapped you and well yeah". I was shocked but I suppose I should have seen it coming.
"Oh" was all I said.
"Yeah, but it's okay. That's not really the reason I didn't go to school. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and to tell I'm going off for a few days" I tried to hid my disappointment. I didn't care anymore what people said about me in school and I was sad that I was the reason he was being talked bad of on the first week of school but I was selfish. I really liked the guy. Every time I saw him my stomach would flutter and my heart would pump faster. I was starting to get too fond of him nearly. I didn't want to go back to school without sitting beside him in nearly every class and joking and just talking about life at lunchtimes. I hardly knew the guy but I felt like we have known each other forever. We just click.
I hesitated to reply thinking of what this meant."You will be back soon though?" I asked.
"Yeah I'll be back Sunday evening" he gave me a small smile "I'm really glad I've met you Crystal" he said giving me confirmation that he didn't care what people said about what happened and also that he was glad he met me!
My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. "I'm really glad I've met you too" I said returning his smile, I could feel myself blushing.
We damn I thought. I was falling hard. I was falling really hard for Shade. Possibly the only man on this earth that my family hated and my heart adored.

Please give me a vote and comment on your thoughts and where you would like to see it going and just if you like it at all(!) Thank you so much for reading hope you enjoyed
Love you -C

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