Chapter Five

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When I opened my eyes after what might have been a nap and we were still driving.

"Are we at school yet" I asked.

He chuckled "No sleepy head".

"What time is it" I felt like I had been out for ages but if we weren't at school yet then it couldn't have been more than a minute.

"Eleven" my groggy mood suddenly dissappeared.

"What! Why are we still driving? What's going on!" He was crazy! Where the hell was he bringing me.

"Calm the ham, we're going to the national park"

My first thought was calm the ham?

"Why?" That's all I could voice, I was in shock. He practically kidnapped me. And I was in even more shock that he didn't say he was about to kill me.

"You were completely out when we got to the school so I decided we should go to the park" that wasn't a very clear answer.

"Why the park? Why didn't you just wake me?" I asked softly. I was slightly thankful I only got three hours sleep last night because I was in a trance of catching up with Game Of Thrones. I am nearly near the end of the fourth season. My brother was the one who came in and took my laptop away like I was a child with sweets.

"I haven't been there before and you said you loved it there, that it was your favorite place" I remember mentioning it to him. I also remember not telling him I only go there alone. Mostly because I cry every time I'm there. Mostly because that was my mothers favourite place. It wasn't my favourite place. I just said it was.

"Oh" I thought quickly, unusual for me after just waking up "I'm a bit hungry, how about food?"

"Sounds good" his grin made shivers run down my spine and goose bumps to claim my skin.

"Where to then?" He asked. My mind reeled though caught with the fact that I sort of asked a guy out to eat. The best looking guy I've ever seen that Hollister would gladly hire. We were friends and I was sure he wouldn't want anything else. He was way out of my league. He was way out of everybody's league here, except for Lillie's. Lillie the girl Justin left for me, weirdly enough. The girl wasn't quite classified as a slut. She was smart and nice but manipulative in a way. She was medium hight with carmel hair that touched her shoulders. Her skin had a few freckles and she was slim and she had every guy wrapped around her skinny finger. She was avarage but guys saw her as something else.

"Have you met Lillie yet? I asked as we climbed out of the car.

"No why?"

"Just wondering"

He looked at me trying to figure me out but shrugged it off.

I remember his question as he raised his eyebrow at my stare. Technically he kidnapped me so I wasn't asking him out.

"How about um..." I stumbled.

"London America?" I liked that quirky café. How he know?


And he roared the engine onto the high way.


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{that was fun}

{This book is totally not going where it's supposed to be}{oh well I'll just write the proper one on my laptop}[Sorry]


I groaned as I dug into my giant real burger. I could feel my toned stomach giving away to the veggie burger. Tomato ran down the sides of my mouth till it hanged from my chin daring to fall on my new Abercrombie jeans.

I was so engrossed that I barley saw Shade lifting his hand to wipe it off. I was shocked when a bit of his skin grazed mine. I felt electrafied. I looked up and his eyes seemed to shimmer. Then he looked down and dug a chip into him mouth grinning. Shit not THE grin. Then I saw him blush slightly.

Next thing I know I've fell from my stool and the waiter waiting near by rushed to my side. He was young but older than me.

"Are you okay ma'am" he asked.

There was a sharp pain until Shades hands wrapped around mine, I laughed a little. I wasn't hurt at all or at least I didn't feel anything, the only thing I felt was complete and utter love. That was until Shades bright eyes dimmed and widened looking the back of my head and his jaw dropping

I would be really thankful for some encouragement and thoughts on how the book is coming along I feel like people are getting bored(?) Please Vote for quicker chapters
With love -C

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