Chapter Three

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I walked to the door and the hairs on my arms lifted. I opened it and Shade was there with a woman and man; his parents. Goodie gum drops.

"Hi" I greeted smiling slightly nervous. Oddly I found myself uneasy

"Who is it?" Joey shouted from the kitchen.

"The Barbatos'" His mother replied in a sweet shout... How could she make a shout sweet?

  She had should length jet black hair with streaks of risk royal blue. Her eyes were a deep purple and her husbands a dark brown which almost molded into a black. They were super fit looking and the mum was tall around a foot above my hight. Shades dad was broader than him and the same hight.

I stuttered to find words when I looked at them a bit too long"I'm Crystal".

"We know honey, Shade told us. I'm Lucinda and this is my husband Stark" she jestered to Stark. "So you attend Silverwater High too?" She added.

"Yup a senior too" I was seventeen and eighteen near the end of senior year. I couldn't recall Shade telling me his age earlier.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked when a smell of apple pie or crumble wafted into my nose from her hands'.

My brother was suddenly at the door and I glanced up at him his features were darker than Starks hair.

"You're not welcome here" and slammed the door in their faces.

"I don't want you to talk or see them again do you here me?" he said his words roared with power which I angled my head in confusment at.

"Why, they're nice people I was talking to Shade all day..."

"You were what?" He cut me of even loader and anger poured from him and I soaked it all up.

"I was hanging around with the neighbours son at school" I stomped. He did not like this one bit. I could see ideas go through his eyes and decided on one.

"They're bad people... That son... Ugh... He went to prison" he told me but not convincingly.

"Really?  Because that sounds like bull shit to me" the more I thought about it the more I became scared that I was friendly with a criminal. Was it a small crime was it murder or was my brother lying out of his teeth which he rarely did... Only on extreme conditions.

I decided not to push the subject anymore and stormed off to my room.


I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag. My small little car was blocked by my dad's who still didn't leave for work yet.

"Hey" a voice from behind me, deep and seductive. I spun around.

Shade stood there tall and towering.

"I... I can't talk... Did you go to prison?" I blubber out

  He burst into laughter "no, why would you think that?" I could see behind his act though, concern wafted behind those inhuman eyes. Concern for me finding truth about his personality, concern for me not buying his lies.

I was contemplating to go along with it or take him down and decided if I stayed around for another day my brother would kill me.

"Look I know you went to prison" I told him staight out.

His face went straight but I could see approval in his eyes but just as soon as it appeared it dissappeared replaced with sinceriaty.

"I did go to jail but never prison. Do you wanna know why?"

"Nah you're grand" I sad sarcastically.

"Okay then"

"Of course I wanna know" I snapped.

"Well where do I start" he said as he jestured me towards his car.

I would be delighted to hear your feedback in the comments and have a star for encouragement to go on
Love u- C

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